I am trying to do a bulk insert of a large list of dictionaries of the form:

    results = [{'attribute': u'SEX', 'value_d': 0.0, 'value_s': u'M', 
'sid': 1L}, 
               {'attribute': u'SEX', 'value_d': 0.0, 'value_s': u'M', 
'sid': 2L}, 
               {'attribute': u'SEX', 'value_d': 0.0, 'value_s': u'M', 
'sid': 3L},     
               {'attribute': u'SEX', 'value_d': 0.0, 'value_s': u'M', 
'sid': 4L},

After reading about 'executemany' and bulk_insert_mappings, I decided to 
try the later, since it looked much simpler to work with.

Here is the code to execute this, with the naive assumption that this would 
work with a list of dictionaries:

    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    s = Session()

My Results model is:

    class Results(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'results'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        sid = Column(Integer)
        attribute = Column(String(2048))
        value_s = Column(String(2048))
        value_d = Column(Float)

db is the SQLAlchemy object for my app:

db = SQLAlchemy(app)

No errors are thrown when I run this, but the data are not being inserted.

End of naive assumption: The documentation says I need a "list of mapping 
dictionaries." I assume since my dictionaries are key-value pairs, I need 
to do something like

    dict = {k:v for k,v in (x.split(':') for x in results) }

I tried this, but I then got an error that

    AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'split'

Not sure where to go with this now...

Thanks in advance!


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