I couldn't figure out a better description or explanation on what I'm 
trying to do so I instead wrote a sql query that I want to perform and 
tried getting as close as possible to a result that I wanted.  I wanted to 
know if there was a better way of doing this.  

t = text("""
    SELECT transactions.*,
        orig."Name" as orig_name,
        orig."Alpha code" as orig_alpha_code,
        orig."latitude" as orig_lat,
        orig."longitude" as orig_long,
        dest."Name" as dest_name,
        dest."Alpha code" as dest_alpha_code,
        dest."latitude" as dest_lat,
        dest."longitude" as dest_lon
    FROM transactions
    JOIN (
        SELECT states.*, lonlats.*
        FROM "FIPS_States" states
        JOIN state_latlon lonlats
        on states."Alpha code"=lonlats.state
         ) orig
        ON orig."Numeric code" = transactions."ORIG_STATE"
    JOIN (
        SELECT states.*, lonlats.*
        FROM "FIPS_States" states
        JOIN state_latlon lonlats
        on states."Alpha code"=lonlats.state
         ) dest
        ON dest."Numeric code" = transactions."DEST_STATE"
        dest."Alpha code"=:dest_code AND orig."Alpha code" =:orig_code
    LIMIT 100

# My closest way of approximating this with sqlalchemy, seems too cumbersome
orig = transactions.join(
    onclause=transactions.c.ORIG_STATE == FIPS_States.c.get("Numeric code"))

s = select([transactions, 
            FIPS_States.c.get("Alpha code").label("orig_state_alpha_code"),

dest = transactions.join(
    onclause=transactions.c.DEST_STATE == FIPS_States.c.get("Numeric code"))

# use the previous select statement as a basis for the new select statement
new_table =  (select([s.alias(), 
            FIPS_States.c.get("Alpha code").label("dest_state_alpha_code"),

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