On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 04:02:08PM -0500, Alex Hall wrote:
> Great; I was hoping you wouldn't say that. :) I've been through them
> many, many times, trying to get the connection working. I've gone from
> error to error, and thought I had it all working when I finally got
> the create_engine line to run with no problem. Apparently I'm not as
> far along as I thought I was. Back to the drawing board.

Hi Alex,

I just want to reiterate my earlier suggestion – before you try to use
any SQLAlchemy machinery at all, first try to create a connection from
your Python runtime directly, using whichever DBAPI driver you want to
use (most likely you want to create a ibm_db connection object -- do
not import anything related to SQLAlchemy at this point, neither
sqlalchemy, nor ibm_db_sa), make sure you are able to execute SQL
statements using that, and only once you get this to work correctly,
try to figure out how to make it work with SQLAlchemy.

And, of course, you shouldn't try to get SQLAlchemy to work all at
once either. First, create an Engine with a connection string, but do
not try to run any fancy introspection or anything before you make
sure that you can execute raw SQL queries using that engine. After you
get *that* out of the way, you can start trying out more advanced
features of SQLAlchemy.

Baby steps, you know. Divide and conquer. Do not try to solve this
entire huge problem all at once. (And yes, as you are probably aware
by now, successfully connecting to an enterprise database server *is*
a huge problem.) That way you'll avoid false leads like this one.

Good luck!


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