Thank you very much ! It's perfectly working :)


Le mardi 23 février 2016 16:41:32 UTC+10, Edouard BERTHE a écrit :
> Hello everybody !
> This is a question I have already posted on Stack Overflow 
> <>,
> but as none is answering I decided to post it here too :) However I invite 
> you to go to the Stack Overflow page, as it is maybe more clearly explained 
> than here.
> I have a One-To-Many relation between an Article entity and a Post entity 
> (which are the comments on the article).
> Each Post has a date attribute.
> What I would like to do is getting the posts related to an article between 
> two dates directly from this article, using the following syntax :
> article.posts[start_date:end_date]
> With the "lazy" argument or "relationship", I can do :
>     posts = relationship('Post', back_populates='article', lazy='dynamic')
> After that, the "posts" attribute isn't a list any longer, but a Query 
> Object, which allows us to do:
>     article.posts.filter( >= start_date, < 
> end_date).all()
> Which is still not exactly what I'm looking for.
> I think I have to use the "collection_class" attribute of the 
> relationship, by using a custom Class in which I would override the 
> "__getitem__" method, but I don't know what to write in this function, 
> because we don't have access to the query given by the `relationship` 
> Object !
> Does someone have an idea which could help me ?
> Thank you !
> Edouard

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