On 02/24/2016 10:13 AM, Alex Lowe wrote:
Hi there,

I'm receiving a ProgrammingError with certain types of query to MSSQL
(they seem to work fine when querying SQLite though). Either my
Google-fu is weak or there hasn't been a solution posted publicly, since
the two most useful-looking pages were these two StackOverflow threads
with no useful responses:

I'm also very new to SQLAlchemy and have mostly picked it up through a
combination of web searches and following the examples of my coworkers
(who picked it up by doing web searches for what they needed), so advice
on how to make my example code better are welcome.

I've certainly had to work around this problem but the news that the raw string works is new to me, but I would assume it has something to do with the removal of bound parameters. ODBC actually has two different execution APIs internally that interpret the given statement differently, one is much more picky about being able to infer the type of bound parameters, so that might be part of what's going on.

If i recall correctly the workaround is to make a subquery like this:

SELECT left_1, sum(different_column) FROM
  SELECT left(some_string, ?) AS left_1, different_column
  FROM [DEV].dbo.[AML_Test]
) GROUP BY left_1

so, paraphrasing

stmt = select([func.left(table.c.some_string, 5).label('left'), table.c.different_column])

stmt = select([stmt.c.left, func.sum(stmt.c.different_column]).group_by(stmt.c.left)

I've got a table that contains a string column and an integer column,
and I'm trying to group by substrings. In so doing, it brings up an
error message about aggregate functions in the group by clause.
Specifically, if I write this code:

test_table = sqlalchemy.Table('AML_Test', dev_schema)
some_string = sqlalchemy.Column('some_string',
different_column = sqlalchemy.Column('different_column', sqlalchemy.INT())
partial = func.left(some_string, 3)
aggregate = func.sum(different_column)
qq = test_table.select().group_by(partial).column(partial).column(aggregate)

and then run qq.execute(), pyodbc gives me the follow error message:

ProgrammingError: (pyodbc.ProgrammingError) ('42000', "[42000]
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Column
'DEV.dbo.AML_Test.some_string' is invalid in the select list because it
is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
(8120) (SQLExecDirectW)") [SQL: 'SELECT left(some_string, ?) AS left_1,
sum(different_column) AS sum_1 \nFROM [DEV].dbo.[AML_Test] GROUP BY
left(some_string, ?)'] [parameters: (3, 3)]

My workaround for the moment is to cast the compiled statement to a
string and execute that string, but it's unclear to me why that would do
anything different (despite the fact that it does).

str(qq.selectable.compile(compile_kwargs={'literal_binds': True}))

If anyone can explain to me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it, I'd
be extremely grateful.



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