1. You're serializing the SqlAlchemy object, not the data.

In order to get the underlying data from an object, I PERSONALLY use a 
mixin class for my declarative base that offers `columns_as_dict`:

def columns_as_dict(self):
return dict((col.name, getattr(self, col.name)) for col in 

That returns the columns as a dict, however it does not handle the 
relationships -- which is separate.

2. You can't just dump sqlalchemy object data into a json encoder.  The 
reason is the json package doesn't natively handle Datetime or many other 
sqlalchemy formats.  You'll have to write a custom json serializer.

if you're writing a custom json serializer, many people prefer to handle a 
condition where the object is a SqlAlchemy object and then recursively 
iterate through that.  

3. Some people like to explicitly map out which object columns are in their 
JSON format.  Using a mixin, something like:

    class JsonExport(object):
          _json_columns = None

        def column_data(self):
           if self._json_columns is None:
              return {}
           return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._json_columns}

    class Student(JsonExport):
      _json_columns = ['name', 'fillname', 'password', 'id', ]

you'll still need a custom json encoder though.

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