On 03/07/2016 01:03 PM, Frazer McLean wrote:

This should demonstrate the problem I'm having. I think I should be
doing something to turn 'other' into an expression before
BinaryExpression will work with it?

importsqlalchemy.types astypes
fromsqlalchemy importColumn,Integer,create_engine
fromsqlalchemy.ext.declarative importdeclarative_base
fromsqlalchemy.orm importSession
fromsqlalchemy.sql importoperators
fromsqlalchemy.sql.expression importBinaryExpression



the string you're passing needs to be coerced into a "literal" element or other ColumnElement of some kind. The easiest way to tap into the existing mechanics for that is just to use the generic "compare()" method; as for the negation, the hooks don't let that pass through so you can just add it on after the fact:

class TEXT(types.Text):
    class Comparator(types.Text.Comparator):
        def regexp(self, other):
            expr = self.operate(
            expr.negate = operators.custom_op('!~')
            return expr

    comparator_factory = Comparator

querying as follows:



SELECT text_test.id AS text_test_id, text_test.name AS text_test_name
FROM text_test
WHERE text_test.name ~ %(name_1)s

2016-03-07 16:40:03,132 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT text_test.id AS text_test_id, text_test.name AS text_test_name
FROM text_test
WHERE text_test.name !~ %(name_1)s

     comparator_factory =Comparator

     __tablename__ ='text_test'
     id =Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
     name =Column(TEXT)

engine =create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test",echo=True)

session =Session(engine)


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "test_regexp.py", line 35, in <module>
   File "test_regexp.py", line 15, in regexp
   File "C:\...\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\elements.py", line
2731, in __init__
     self.right = right.self_group(against=operator)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'self_group'


On Monday, 7 March 2016 18:36:11 UTC+1, Mike Bayer wrote:

    On 03/07/2016 09:11 AM, Frazer McLean wrote:
     > ||I am trying to add regexp and iregexp operators to a subclass
    of the
     > Text type. I'm using SQLAlchemy v1.0.12.
     > I am able to correctly use '~' and '!~' operators if I use a
     > method like this:
     > |
     > importsqlalchemy.types astypes
     > classTEXT(types.Text):
     > classComparator(types.Text.Comparator):
     > defregexp(self,other):
     > returnself.op('~')(other)
     > defnotregexp(self,other):
     > returnself.op('!~')(other)
     >      comparator_factory =Comparator
     > |
     > However, I would like to correctly emit the '!~' operator if I
    use not_
     > or ~ in SQLAlchemy, so I tried to do the following:
     > |
     > importsqlalchemy.types astypes
     > fromsqlalchemy.sql.expression importBinaryExpression
     > fromsqlalchemy.sql importoperators
     > classTEXT(types.Text):
     > classComparator(types.Text.Comparator):
     > defregexp(self,other):
     > returnBinaryExpression(
     > self,other,operator=operators.custom_op('~'),type_=TEXT,
     >                  negate=operators.custom_op('!~'))
     >      comparator_factory =Comparator

    that's the correct approach.

     > |
     > But I can't seem to get that to work.

    can you provide a complete http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
    <http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve> and I'll
    make it work ?  thanks

       I was attempting to copy the
     > UnaryExpression example here

     > I see the patch on BitBucket

     > for adding these operators, but I'm trying to do the same with the
     > public API. Is it possible?
     > Thanks,
     > Frazer McLean
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