What might work for you (if the database is structured as such) would be 
something like this (in pseudocode)

    class ProductAttribute(base):
        id = column-int, primary key
        name = column-unicode

    class Product2ProductAttribute(base):
        product_id =column-int, part of primary key
        product_attribute_id = column-int, part of primary key

        product = orm.relationship('Product')
        product_attribute = orm.relationship('ProductAttribute')

    class Product(base):
        id = column-int, primary key

        to_attributes = orm.relationship('Product2ProductAttribute')

    # this would generate a huge sql matrix like you are now
    products = session.query(Product).options(joinedload('to_attributes'), 

    for product in products:
         # the product data 
         print product
         # loop the attributes
         for to_attribute in product.to_attributes:
              print to_attribute.product_attribute.name


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