> On 17 Mar 2016, at 19:11, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> It seems like I can't go a day without running into some kind of wall.
> This one is a conceptual one regarding foreign keys. I have to somehow
> get the same FK column in table A pointing to IDs in tables B and C.
> At one person's suggestion, I'm making classes for my tables, even
> though I'm using automap. This is to let me stop doing a ton of joins,
> making querying much easier... I hope! I'm defining all the foreign
> keys between my tables manually. For instance:
> class item(base):
> __tablename__ = "item"
> itm_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> vendornum = Column(String, ForeignKey(VENDR.PVVNNO))
> class vendorTable(base):
> __tablename__ = "VENDR"
> PVVNNO = Column(String, primary_key=True)
> If I've understood correctly, I'll now be able to say
> item.vendornum.vendor_full_name
> to get the vendor's full name for any item.
> Here's the problem. Items have attachments, and attached text,
> respectively held in attach and attach_text tables. Binding them to
> items is a table called assignment. Assignment is pretty
> straightforward, with an itm_id and an attachment id (att_id). The
> trouble is that this att_id occurs in both attach and attach_text. I
> can make att_id a foreign key to one table or the other, but I'm not
> sure how to make it go to both tables.
> class assignmentTable(base):
> __tablename__ = "assignment"
> itm_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(item.itm_id))
> #the following column has to point to attach_text.att_id AS WELL
>  att_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(attachment.att_id))
> seq_num = Column(Integer)
> asn_primary = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
> class attachmentTable(base):
> __tablename__ = "attachment"
> att_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> class attachmentTextTable(base):
> __tablename__ = "attach_text"
> att_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

This isn’t possible - a foreign key can only point at one other column. If rows 
in attachment and attach_text are always supposed to be in a 1-to-1 
relationship, you could consider one of them to be the “master” record, and 
make any other occurrences point to that. So for example, attachment.att_id 
could be the master id, and attach_text.att_id could be a foreign key pointing 
at attachment.att_id (perhaps with a unique constraint on it). The assignment 
table suggests that this is a many-to-many relationship (an attachment can 
belong to many items, and an item can have many attachments), so the 
relationships might be set up like this:

item.assignments (list of assignmentTable objects)
assignment.item (item object)
assignment.attachment (attachmentTable object)
attachmentTable.text (attachmentTextTable object)

Here’s a working example:

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as saorm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'item'
    itm_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    vendornum = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey('vendr.pvvnno'))

    vendor = saorm.relationship('Vendor')
    assignments = saorm.relationship('Assignment', back_populates='item')

class Vendor(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'vendr'
    pvvnno = sa.Column(sa.String(16), primary_key=True)
    vendor_full_name = sa.Column(sa.Text())

class Assignment(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'assignment'
    asn_primary = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    itm_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey(Item.itm_id), nullable=False)
    att_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey('attachment.att_id'), nullable=False)
    seq_num = sa.Column(sa.Integer)

    item = saorm.relationship('Item', back_populates='assignments')
    attachment = saorm.relationship('Attachment', back_populates='assignment')

class Attachment(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'attachment'
    att_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    att_data = sa.Column(sa.Text())

    assignment = saorm.relationship('Assignment', back_populates='attachment')
    text = saorm.relationship('AttachmentText',

class AttachmentText(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'attachmenttext'
    att_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey('attachment.att_id'), primary_key=True)
    att_text = sa.Column(sa.Text())

    attachment = saorm.relationship('Attachment', back_populates='text')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite://', echo='debug')
    Session = saorm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()

    item = Item(vendor=Vendor(pvvnno='Alex',
                              vendor_full_name='Alex the Vendor'))
    for i in range(5):
        attachment = Attachment(att_data=str(i),
                                text=AttachmentText(att_text='text for %s' % i))

    del item
    del attachment

    session = Session()
    q = session.query(Item)
    if 'eager' in sys.argv:
        q = q.options(
    item = q.first()
    print item
    print item.vendor
    for assignment in item.assignments:
        print assignment.attachment.att_data
        print assignment.attachment.text.at_text

Hope that helps,


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