the usage pattern inidcates that a brand new sessionmaker and session is created for each call to sql_session(), which is an antipattern. A single sessionmaker should be used for the process and for two functions in the same task that wish to share a transaction they should use the same Session.

On 03/22/2016 01:01 PM, Simon King wrote:
It sounds like the transaction for task B is starting before A's
transaction has been committed, but you haven't really given enough
information to debug further. How are you managing your sessions and
transactions? Do B and A actually overlap (ie. does B start before A


On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 4:07 PM, TomS. <
<>> wrote:

    Could you advise what would be the best approach for the following

    I have Flask-Celery task. Task consists of two functions (both are
    run in the same one Celery task): A and B. Function A calculates
    values which are then used by B function. Values are stored in DB
    (via SQLAlchemy). The problem is that, somehow, values from A are
    commited too slow (?), so function B has nothing to calc (whole task
    has to be called once again to get results from function B).

    I use below pattern:

    New values inside function A are commited this way:

    //    inserting_session.add(new_value)//
    //    inserting_session.commit()//
    //except Exception as e://
    //    inserting_session.rollback()//
    //and after all values are worked out://


    /class SQLSession(object)://
    //    sql_engine = None//
    //    @staticmethod//
    //    def sql_session()://
    //        if SQLSession.sql_engine is None://
    //            # create engine//
    //            SQLSession.sql_engine = create_engine([...]),//
    //                pool_recycle=30//
    //                )//
    //        # create a configured "Session" class//
    //        insering_session_maker =
    //        # scope session//
    //        inserting_session = scoped_session(insering_session_maker)//
    //        # create a Session//
    //        inserting_session_scoped = inserting_session()//
    //        return inserting_session_scoped//
    //inserting_session = SQLSession.sql_session()/

    It works when instead of

    close_all() is called:


    But it probably is not the best solution.

    The question is - how to deal with this issue?


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