On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Piotr Dobrogost
<p...@2016.groups.google.dobrogost.net> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 11:03:57 AM UTC+2, Simon King wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Piotr Dobrogost
>>> What's the reason for these differences?
>> At least for the quoting issue, it sounds like you aren't using the
>> Oracle dialect. What does "print mock_engine.dialect" report?
> <sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle.cx_oracle.OracleDialect_cx_oracle object at
> 0x7f99d2b0db10>

Ah, ok. The problem is that the "sql" parameter in your executor
function has not yet been compiled for the dialect in use. Try this

from __future__ import print_function
import sqlalchemy as sa

engine = sa.create_engine(
    executor=lambda sql, *multiparams, **params: print(sql.compile(bind=engine))

metadata = sa.MetaData()
t = sa.Table(
    sa.Column('_id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),




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