> Am 11.05.2016 um 17:38 schrieb Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:
> On 05/11/2016 03:39 AM, Tim-Christian Mundt wrote:
>> Ok, a complete MCVE looks like that:
>> from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, create_engine, 
>> event
>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, sessionmaker
>> Base = declarative_base()
>> class Entity(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'entity'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>     tags = relationship('TagAssociation', backref='entity',
>>                         cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan")
>> class Vocabulary(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'vocabulary'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>     name = Column(String(255), nullable=False, unique=True)
>> class Tag(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'tag'
>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>     vocabularyId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Vocabulary.id), nullable=False)
>>     vocabulary = relationship(Vocabulary, lazy='joined',
>>                               backref=backref('tags', cascade='all, 
>> delete-orphan'))
>>     name = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
>> class TagAssociation(Base):
>>     __tablename__ = 'tag_association'
>>     entityId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Entity.id), primary_key=True)
>>     tagId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Tag.id), primary_key=True)
>>     tag = relationship(Tag, lazy='joined')
>> @event.listens_for(TagAssociation, 'before_insert')
>> def validateOnlyOneTagPerVocabulary(mapper, connection, assoc):
>>     vocabulary = assoc.tag.vocabulary
>>     existingAssocs = session.query(TagAssociation).join(Tag) \
>>         .filter(Tag.vocabulary == vocabulary, TagAssociation.entity == 
>> assoc.entity)
>>     newAssocs = [assoc for assoc in assoc.entity.tags
>>                  if assoc in session.new and assoc.tag.vocabulary == 
>> vocabulary]
>>     if len(newAssocs) > 1 or (len(newAssocs) + existingAssocs.count()) > 1:
>>         raise ValueError('Can only assign one tag of vocabulary "%s".' % 
>> vocabulary.name)
>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>> session = Session()
>> vocabulary = Vocabulary(name='Vocabulary')
>> tag1 = Tag(vocabulary=vocabulary, name='Tag1')
>> tag2 = Tag(vocabulary=vocabulary, name='Tag2')
>> vocabulary2 = Vocabulary(name='Vocabulary2')
>> tag3 = Tag(vocabulary=vocabulary2, name='Tag3')
>> entity = Entity()
>> session.add(vocabulary)
>> session.add(vocabulary2)
>> session.add(entity)
>> session.commit()
>> TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=tag1)  # first tag
>> session.commit()
>> TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=tag3)  # tag from a different vocabulary, 
>> no problem
>> session.commit()
>> try:
>>     TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=tag2)  # a second tag from the same 
>> vocabulary
>>     session.commit()
>> except ValueError:
>>     # this is expected
>>     session.rollback()
>> entity.tags = [TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=tag2)]
>> session.commit()  # here no exception is expected
>> Which event or place and method are best to solve that? With „inspect“ I 
>> couldn’t find anything that would help me.
> OK well because you're validating only when an entry is essentially added to 
> the DB, and you're comparing to the current DB contents, you're not able to 
> get a view of what the ultimate state of the collection would be.   
> before_insert is not a good choice of event here for this reason, although 
> you could make the example here work by looking in the "deleted" items and 
> removing that from the "newAssocs" list.

I could not verify that last bit. The „deleted“ collection of the session was 

>   inspect() would be used like:
>    items_we_shouldnt_count = inspect(assoc.entity).attrs.tags.history.deleted
> that collection would give you the TagAssociation(tag=tag1) and 
> TagAssociation(tag=tag3) which you'd not count in your check.
> This kind of validation is a little difficult but the best place is to get at 
> the collection exactly once, in the before_flush() event:
> @event.listens_for(Session, "before_flush")
> def _validate_tags(session, ctx, instances):
>    for obj in session.new.union(session.dirty):
>        if isinstance(obj, Entity):
>            vocabs = set()
>            for v in (ta.tag.vocabulary for ta in obj.tags):
>                if v in vocabs:
>                    raise ValueError(
>                        'Can only assign one tag of vocabulary "%s".' %
>                        v.name)
>                else:
>                    vocabs.add(v)

That works perfectly thanks a lot.

> Note that above we don't need to do any kind of SQL except for whatever isn't 
> loaded on those collections, so it will run a lot faster than running a whole 
> new query on every INSERT.  It also is checking the collection against what 
> we are ultimately going to make it, that is taking into account removals as 
> well, instead of only looking in the database.
> additionally, your test is illustrating a race condition that will trigger 
> this assertion, which is that your assignment at the end triggers autoflush; 
> this is because you are creating a TagAssociation object already attached to 
> its parent Entity, which already appends it to the collection without first 
> removing the othe ritems, and since the collection was expired a lazyload is 
> also trying to flush it.  So the bottom of the example needs to read either:
> with session.no_autoflush:
>    entity.tags = [TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=tag2)]
> session.commit()  # here no exception is expected
> or:
> entity.tags = [TagAssociation(tag=tag2)]
> session.commit()  # here no exception is expected

Thanks for this important hint. This actually turned out to be a bug in my 
application causing weird behavior.

Thank you for your thorough analysis and explanation.

> see attached.
>>> you'd need to show me how to illustrate the .tags collection storing two 
>>> TagAssociation objects when you've explicitly set the collection to store a 
>>> single TagAssociation
>> I don’t get it, where do I set that?
>>> Am 05.05.2016 um 23:26 schrieb Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:
>>> On 05/03/2016 06:28 PM, Tim-Christian Mundt wrote:
>>>> I have entities which I’d like to tag with tags from a vocabulary. The 
>>>> associations between entities and tags are implemented with „manual M:N“, 
>>>> because they carry more information.
>>>> class Entity(Base):
>>>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>>     tags = relationship('TagAssociation', backref='entity',
>>>>                         cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan")
>>>> class Vocabulary(Base):
>>>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>>     name = Column(String(255), nullable=False, unique=True)
>>>> class Tag(Base):
>>>>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>>     vocabularyId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Vocabulary.id), 
>>>> nullable=False)
>>>>     vocabulary = relationship(Vocabulary, lazy='joined',
>>>>                               backref=backref('tags', cascade='all, 
>>>> delete-orphan'))
>>>>     name = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
>>>> class TagAssociation(Base):
>>>>     entityId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Entity.id), primary_key=True)
>>>>     tagId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Tag.id), primary_key=True)
>>>>     tag = relationship(Tag, lazy='joined‘)
>>>> Now I want to make sure that I don’t have more than one tag from a single 
>>>> vocabulary on an entity. Currently I’m using
>>>> the before_insert event on TagAssociation which works well except in this 
>>>> case:
>>>> entity = Entity()
>>>> entity.tags.append(TagAssociation(entity=entity, tag=some_tag))
>>>> session.add(entity)
>>>> session.flush()
>>>> entity.tags = [TagAssociation(entity=entity, 
>>>> tag=some_other_tag_from_same_vocabulary)]
>>>> session.flush()
>>>> When the validation function is called during the second flush, the 
>>>> collection (assoc_to_be_inserted.entity.tags)
>>>> has both tags in it (which I don’t understand).
>>> This is not enough detail for me to reproduce that, you'd need to show me 
>>> how to illustrate the .tags collection storing two TagAssociation objects 
>>> when you've explicitly set the collection to store a single TagAssociation. 
>>>   That's not anything that reproduces here.
>>> I couldn’t find a way to detect if one of them is going to be deleted.
>>> if a collection is assigned to a specific value, then the items that are no 
>>> longer present in that collection are added to a list called "deleted".  
>>> That can be seen like this:
>>> from sqlalchemy import inspect
>>> inspect(my_entity).attrs.tags.history
>>>> Hence, the validation fails, although the final result would be correct.
>>>> Is there any event I can use to reliably implement that validation?
>>> There's not enough detail here for me to know exactly how you're doing this 
>>> validation and under what scenario you're seeing something unexpected.   
>>> The best format is to send an MCVE (http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tim
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