
Is it possible to repeatedly add column expressions to a select object, 
where the column expression involves outer joins? Ideally I'd like there to 
be a several transformation functions that operate on the same select 
object in a chain.

So far, the closest I've come is for the transformation functions to accept 
and return both a select object (to which columns are appended) and a join 
object (to which joins are appended), such that the joins are added to the 
select at the end. It would be nice to be able to operate on just the 
select object.

I'd like to mention another attempt at the original goal, which did not 
raise an exception but generated invalid SQL (using SQLAlchemy 1.0.13). 
 The relevant code snippet from the runnable example below is this:

            select_obj = select_obj.column(new_col).select_from(Join(
                table_obj, concept_alias,
                col == concept_alias.c.concept_id, isouter=True))

The resulting SQL contains a spurious `, main_table` fragment:

SELECT main_table.foo_concept_id, main_table.bar_concept_id, 
concept_1.concept_name AS foo_concept_name, concept_2.concept_name AS 
FROM main_table LEFT OUTER JOIN concept AS concept_1 ON foo_concept_id = 
concept_1.concept_id*, main_table* LEFT OUTER JOIN concept AS concept_2 ON 
bar_concept_id = concept_2.concept_id

The full code follows. Note that this is a prototype of just one of a 
series of transformation functions that would operate on the same select 

from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, select, 
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Join

def setup():
    """ Create a `main_table` table, a query on it, and a related table that
    will later be joined to.
    metadata = MetaData()
    concept = Table('concept', metadata,
                    Column('concept_id', Integer),
                    Column('concept_name', String(512)))
    main_table = Table('main_table', metadata,
                 Column('foo_concept_id', Integer, 
                 Column('bar_concept_id', Integer, 
    select_obj = 
    return metadata, select_obj

def transform(metadata, table_name, select_obj):
    """Transform and return a Select object query by adding column 
    populated using outer joins. This Select object may be later passed to
    different varieties of transformation function.
    table_obj = metadata.tables[table_name]
    concept_table_obj = metadata.tables['concept']
    for col in select_obj.c:
        if col.name.endswith('_concept_id'):
            new_name = col.name.replace('_concept_id', '_concept_name')
            concept_alias = concept_table_obj.alias()
            new_col = concept_alias.c.concept_name.label(new_name)
            select_obj = select_obj.column(new_col).select_from(Join(
                table_obj, concept_alias,
                col == concept_alias.c.concept_id, isouter=True))
    return select_obj

metadata, select_obj = setup()
select_obj = transform(metadata, 'main_table', select_obj)


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