On 06/24/2016 11:49 AM, T Johnson wrote:
I'm using SQLAlchemy Core. A user prepares an "on" expression for a join query 
and passes it to a function. The goal of the function is to hide some messy details the 
must be done to perform the join. Part of these details include doing a subselect. So in 
the implentation, the subselect is turned into an alias, but now the on clause that was 
passed in no longer references the proper table. I'd like to know how to transform an 
expression so that all references to tableA are replaced with alias name tableB.


cols = [... in terms of tableA and tableB]
onclause = tableA.c.colX == tableB.c.colX
alias = sqla.select(cols).alias('hi')

updated_onclause = magic(onclause, tableA, alias)

So I need magic() to return an expression equal to:

alias.c.colX == tableB.c.colX

My hack it to manipulate the generated sql and then use sqla.text(), which is 
certainly not ideal.

So how can I manipulate an arbitrary expression (intended for use as a join
clause or where clause), replacing all appearances of a table with an alias
of that same table?

this is a pretty common thing for the ORM and the Core tutorial used to mention it but it's too esoteric of a topic for the basic tutorial so I removed it.

The most basic form of this is the replace_selectable() method:


Underneath, that method is using systems like sqlalchemy.sql.util.ClauseAdapter and most fundamentally the logic in sqlalchemy.sql.visitors. I don't know that the docstrings are in the public-facing API documentation so I'd peruse the source. In sqlalchemy.sql.util there's lots of systems that traverse and modify selectables in different ways.

The replace_selectable() method might be all you need. But the topic of regenerating selectables with different FROM objects replacing things is a huge topic throughout SQLAlchemy, the implementations are mostly in Core but the use cases are entirely in the ORM, and there are lots of varieties of this kind of operation, concerning what objects are replaced in what circumstances.

I blogged about it eight years ago at this point, hoping some computer scientist type of person would come to me and say, "you're just doing the XYZ technique, here's a book you can read on that!" so I'd know what I was doing, but that never happened. That post is here: http://techspot.zzzeek.org/2008/01/23/expression-transformations/ and the concepts should be roughly the same today.

Anyway, see if that method works as is, though within the ORM the use cases are almost always not quite that simple.

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