Hi Mike,

It looks like my Base class was not exactly the same (although it was in my 
original code), but this is not the problem. I have a custom 
"DatabaseConnection" Python class that is a singleton and encapsulates the 
database connection. It's constructed like this:

me.engine = create_engine(me.database_connection_string, echo=False) 
me.metadata = MetaData()
me.metadata.bind = me.engine
me.Base = declarative_base(bind=me.engine)
me.Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=me.engine, autocommit=True))

"me" refers to the cls (i.e. "self"). When I later call DatabaseConnection 
(my variable dbc, the singleton), I access the metadata, Base, and Session 
from it. You pointed out that my metadata was not the same instance.

I found if I later call "dbc.Base", the metadata is empty, whereas if later 
I use the singleton and call:

Base = declarative_base(bind=dbc.engine)

this works. (In fact, this has been my pattern for years.) I don't know why 
the Base defined as above remains empty while a later call to 
"declarative_base" from another file works, but it's not crucial.

To your original question, this is what I get back from the metadata.

ipdb> Base.metadata.tables.keys()
dict_keys(['file.fits_header_keyword', 'file.fits_header_comment', 
'trillian.dataset', 'file.fits_hdu', 'file.fits_header_value', 
'trillian.dataset_release', 'file.file_kind', 'file.fits_file', 


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