I'm trying to recreate the following SQL in SQLAlchemy:

update ignore abms_biog_%s a
(select a.id, u.id as user_id
from abms_biog_%s a
join 3md.users u on u.firstname = a.firstname 
and u.lastname = a.lastname 
and 3md.non_conflict_middlename(u.middlename, a.middlename)=1 
and u.credentials in (4,5)
and a.name_suffix = replace(u.namesuffix, '.', '')
where a.user_id is null
and a.name_suffix <> ''
group by a.id having count(*) = 1) m on m.id = a.id
set a.user_id = m.user_id

As you can see it's currently done in raw SQL with a subquery. I've got the 
join and filter conditions down with:

base_match = sess.query(md_users.id, abms_biog.id).\
filter(md_users.firstname == abms_biog.firstname).\
filter(md_users.lastname == abms_biog.lastname).\
filter(func.non_conflict_middlename(md_users.middlename, abms_biog.
middlename) == 1).\
filter(abms_biog.user_id == None).\
filter(abms_biog.name_suffix == func.replace(md_users.namesuffix,'.','')).\
filter(abms_biog.name_suffix != '').\
having(func.count() == 1)

But I'm having trouble forming an update statement on this query that 
SQLAlchemy accepts. It doesn't seem to allow updates on GROUP BY's, and 
I've tried creating a subquery as well to no avail. I've tried the obvious

where(abms_biog.user_id == abms_ids).\
values(user_id = md_users.id)

and a new select to isolate the column I'm updating


This doesn't seem to be that unusual/complex of an operation so I'm 
assuming that I'm missing something obvious. Any help would be much 

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