On 08/16/2016 03:33 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
Gotcha, would there be any interest in adding StoredProcedure objects?

I wouldn't rush to doing that. it's not clear what these objects would do that DDL() doesn't and also I'd want to address triggers at the same time. See http://alembic.zzzcomputing.com/en/latest/cookbook.html#replaceable-objects for some of what would be needed.

For the immediate need of "drop everything", your suggestion sounds like
the best way forward, but I wonder if solving the more generic
"reflecting stored procedures" problem might help with other things...

just the names is much simpler. inspector.get_stored_procedure_names(), much easier add.

Have any tools emerged for comparing two databases' schemas? I guess the
stuff used to auto-generate migrations must largely solve this problem?

alembic's API can be used for that to a partial extent. there are also some other rough approaches on pypi some of which have SQLAlchemy in there and some do not.

Sorry, I'm a bit rambly this morning...

On 15/08/2016 14:38, Mike Bayer wrote:

We should have reflection for PG ENUM in there already.   SP names and
such, there's no "stored procedure" object, so if you wanted it to
look like the thing you see here you'd make a StoredProcedure() class
that's a subclass of DDLElement, etc.  I don't know that there's a
hook to add new methods to the Inspector() as of yet though.  If
you're just looking for a "drop everything" method I'd probably forego
all that boilerplate and just have "drop_pg_sps", "drop_mysql_sps",
etc. functions and key them off of engine.name in a dictionary or

On 08/15/2016 06:16 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
Hi All,

What's the best way (preferably database agnostic) to reflect stored
procedure names, enums names and other non-table-specific items?

I'm trying to improve this function, which is based on Mike's original


I'd like to expand to to basically delete as much as possible in a
database to give a clean starting ground for tests...


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