Hello all,

I have implemented the first stab at a PEP 249 adaptor layer for BigQuery 
and it seems to work well. It is possible to create an 
engine/connection/cursor, submit an SQL query and get results back (only 
SELECT statements for now, API commands will come later). I have moved on 
to changing the DDL and statement compilers to conform to BigQuery's 
standard SQL dialect:


I hit an immediate hurdle and I am not sure if it is because the Dialect 
object I created is incorrect or because the PEP 249 adapter is behaving in 
an unexpected way. Basically, upon connection SQL alchemy will fire some 
test queries (afaiu to detect whether column names support unicode), one of 
which is being rendered as 

SELECT CAST('test plain returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS anon_1

The problem is that BigQuery does not support VARCHAR. I have already added 
a colspecs dictionary to my new dialect object, with many common data types 
mapped to their BgQuery equivalents:

colspecs = {

        types.Unicode: BQString,

        types.Integer: BQInteger,

        types.SmallInteger: BQInteger,

        types.Numeric: BQFloat,

        types.Float: BQFloat,

        types.DateTime: BQTimestamp,

        types.Date: BQTimestamp,

        types.String: BQString,

        types.LargeBinary: BQBytes,

        types.Boolean: BQBoolean,

        types.Text: BQString,

        types.CHAR: BQString,

        types.TIMESTAMP: BQTimestamp,

        types.VARCHAR: BQString


I was under the impression that this would be enough to define a behaviour 
where sqlalchemy queries using e.g. VARCHAR would be compiled using the 
BQString class, which should render as 'STRING' as defined in its 
get_col_spec method. This is in accordance to BigQuery's basic type system:


However, the query renders as above and the underlying PEP 249 throws an 
exception. I could however envisage a type of operation where 2 queries a 
fired to the DB, one using VARCHAR and another using unicode, in order to 
detect which one succeeds. If this is the case, maybe the query rendering 
is fine and the problem is the underlying library returning an exception 
instead of some standard failure signal.

Does anybody know if

1) defining a colspecs object as above will be enough for objects of e.g. 
types.VARCHAR to be rendered as e.g. 'STRING' in generated SQL?
2) Does the underlying PEP 249 implementation need to signal failure in a 
particular way, or is throwing exceptions the expected behaviour?


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