if you have an Enum with a certain name that is to be used in multiple tables, you can create it separately. Build the ENUM using the create_type=False flag to keep it from generating the type automatically, then use the .create() method to create it individually, docs at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/dialects/postgresql.html?highlight=enum#sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.ENUM.

Alternatively, if you don't mind the extra overhead, run all your table.create() calls with checkfirst=True. This should run a "checkfirst" query not just for the table itself but also for the ENUM types contained within.

On 08/22/2016 04:03 PM, Fran Goitia wrote:
Models FacebookPost and TwitterPost share an enum called types. This
enum is correctly created when creating facebook_posts table, but when
trying to create twitter_posts table, there is an attempt to recreate
this type which results in an error.

"types"already exists
     [SQL:"CREATE TYPE types AS ENUM ('Video', 'GIF', 'Scratch Reel',
'Card', 'Video Card', 'Text', 'Photo', 'Shared Article', 'Reply',
'Canvas', 'Carousel', 'Video Carousel', 'Link', 'Status')"]

This is the way I'm creating the database. I can't use
Base.metadata.create_all, because I need to be explicit in terms of what
tables are created



I'm creating the enums this way:

fromsqlalchemy importEnum
    types =('Video','GIF','Scratch Reel','Card','Video Card',
             'Text','Photo','Shared Article','Reply','Canvas',
             'Carousel','Video Carousel','Link','Status')
    goals =('CTR','ER','Awareness','CPGA')
    sources =('Facebook','Twitter','Instagram','Tumblr')

    vars_ =locals().copy()
    fork,v invars_.items():


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