
I am encountering a strange bug in my project OSMAlchemy:

The model is a lot like in this example:

I cannot make a real MWE for this bug because I really have
no idea how to trigger it reproducibly. What I do is this:

I create an object of type OSMNode (see 
then add several tags to the .tags dictionary, which proxies it to the OSMTag 
Then I go and retrieve the whole dictionary again.

Well, in Python 2, I get the dictionary with the keys and values I set before.
In Python 3, *sometimes* the values are missing. But only sometimes.
Roughly, in 1/3 of the times I run the test suite, it failes because
the dictionary is lacking values.

I really do not know how to provide easier access to the code that
produces the bug, but I really hope someone can still look at it and tell me 
why this
fails 1.3 of the time in Python 3.


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Dominik George · Mobil: +49-1520-1981389

Teckids e.V. · FrOSCon e.V. · OpenRheinRuhr e.V.
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Opencaching Deutschland e.V. · Debian Contributor

LPIC-3 Linux Enterprise Professional (Security)

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