On 09/15/2016 11:22 PM, 'Nicholas A Fries' via sqlalchemy wrote:
Hi Mike. Thanks for the reply and clarification on how the history
system is implemented. I will investigate further and review the code
you mentioned.

Right now, I can see that get_history() is showing changes for one of
the relationships (an add and a delete of an object with the same type
as the relationship) and I can also verify that the data itself is no
different from what was committed to the database.

OK but in isolation, "get_history() shows an add and a delete of an object with the same type of relationship" and that it has "the data that is no different from what was committed to the database" does not mean it is working improperly. For relationships, two objects that represent the same row *must be the same object*. This is how the identity map works. If you have two separate objects in one session, doesn't matter if they are identical, they are not both keyed to the identical identity in the identity map, so this is a net change.

The cause for the condition you describe, where you have *two* objects that are identical in data but aren't the same, is when a program uses session.add() to put a new object in the session when it should be using merge() or a manual equivalent of loading existing identities and updating. Since you're doing deserialization, merge is recommended for exactly this use case since if you are deserializing a structure that includes an identity already in your database, you want to *load* that identity and *update* its contents, rather than making a brand new identity. The ORM cannot figure out at flush time if a particular primary key is already present in the database or not as this would be very complicated and expensive (in SQL this is called a MERGE, oddly enough).

Merging is discussed in detail at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/session_state_management.html#unitofwork-merging and the example below illustrates something resembling what I think you're trying to do:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'
    key = Column(String, primary_key=True)

    b_id = Column(ForeignKey('b.key'))
    b = relationship("B")

class B(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'b'
    key = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    data = Column(String)

struct_one = {
    "a": {
        "key": "a_key",
        "b": {
            "key": "b_key",
            "data": "the data"

e = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)

def persist_struct(s, struct, use_merge):

    # manually "merge" data into A.  That is, look up the identity first
    # and UPDATE if already present.
    a = s.query(A).get(struct["a"]["key"])
    if a is None:
        a = A(key=struct["a"]["key"])

    # for b, do the same thing using merge() if use_merge is True.
    b = B(key=struct["a"]["b"]["key"], data=struct["a"]["b"]["data"])

    if use_merge:
        b = s.merge(b)

    a.b = b

    return a

s = Session(e)
persist_struct(s, struct_one, True)

# make sure existing identities are loaded, no net change to a.b
a = persist_struct(s, struct_one, True)

assert inspect(a).attrs.b.history == ((), [a.b], ())

# when we *don't* use merge(), and instead stick a brand new B()
# into the Session, this shows as a change.  would fail on

a = persist_struct(s, struct_one, False)
old_b = inspect(a).committed_state['b']

# two bs, same "data", different "identity"
assert a.b is not old_b
assert inspect(a).attrs.b.history == ([a.b], (), [old_b])

Right now, the only thing I can think of is that perhaps the
deserializer is removing and then adding a new object in that
relationship's list. The new item has the same data though and the
strange thing is, the relationship is very much like the other ones, and
they are unaffected. Hm. I will need to investigate further.



On Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7:18:52 PM UTC-7, Mike Bayer wrote:

    On 09/15/2016 08:04 PM, 'Nicholas A Fries' via sqlalchemy wrote:
    > I have a typo for item #7 in my post - this is unexpected.
    > Cases 7 - 10 are the problem. We don't expect there to be changes
    > showing for data that is the same as in the database.

    having a hard time following this.   In your paste, I see numbered
    tests, "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "2.1", "2.2", "3.1".  That is...6 cases?
    not 10 ?

    Also, the workings of GetUncommittedChangesDict are extremely
    complicated and appear to be omitting in the print output the contents
    of "history.deleted", placing "oldValue=None" inside of changedDict
    which is what's printed out.    The example here overall has *ten*
    different models, is not in a format I can run, and also I don't
    sqlalchemy-marshmallow so I don't know anything about it.   So I can't
    offer too much insight into what's going on here without a vastly more
    succinct and clear demonstration of a single, simple failure with as
    little extraneous conditional logic and other code as possible.

    The history system is very simple.   If the attribute we have locally
    does not compare as True to the database loaded attribute using ==
    for a
    scalar value, or using "is" for an object value, you have a history
    event.    Read the source code to sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.History
    within the methods History.from_scalar_attribute,
    History.from_object_attribute, History.from_collection to get some idea

    > On Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 5:01:40 PM UTC-7, Nicholas A
    Fries wrote:
    >     Hi guys,
    >     The history system in SQLAlchemy seems to think that an object
    >     the same column values is different than what's in the database.
    >     Only it's not.
    >     Here's a test case I wrote really quick to demonstrate the
    issue -
    >     https://paste.pound-python.org/show/5FtE85ve08hVoByT6WNj/
    >     <https://paste.pound-python.org/show/5FtE85ve08hVoByT6WNj/
    >      1. Given a single JSON string full of data
    >      2. Deserialize to a new instance of a model called firstRow
    >         marshmallow-sqlalchemy)
    >      3. Observe that the row shows a change for all columns and child
    >         objects
    >      4. Add / Commit the row to the database
    >      5. Deserialize to a new instance of a model called secondRow
    >         (again, using marshmallow-sqlalchemy)
    >      6. marshmallow-sqlalchemy will return the persistent row from
    >         database and apply the changes over the top (there are no
    >         changes in this case)
    >      7. Checking the Session.dirty at this point shows a changed
    >         (expected - we used the same data)
    >      8. Checking the hasChanged function I've created shows the
    >         column has changed
    >      9. Checking the contents of websites shows the same data when
    >         for firstRow (pre-commit) and secondRow
    >     10. get_history for the websites column shows it was deleted and
    >         re-added
    >     So, what is strange is that it only happens for the website
    >     relationship (and one other column from the parent table in my
    >     actual test environment.) If it was marshmallow-sqlalchemy,
    >     it do this for all the relationships? Also, the values are the
    >     - shouldn't SQLAlchemy check for this?
    >     Anyway - does anyone have any thoughts on this?
    > --
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