On 09/23/2016 10:18 AM, HP3 wrote:
Hello all,

Couple of weeks back (see [*]), while discussing that history_meta.py
performs an update and an insert for each session.dirty object whenever
session.flush() happens, Simon suggested the following solution to
coalesce all changes within the same transaction into a single insert
and hence a single version increase:

1. In a before_flush hook, check to see if the object has really
changed (using the code from create_version). If it has, save it away in
a set somewhere.
2. In a before_commit hook, iterate over that set and create the
actual history entries.

I went ahead and produced a proof of concept of what he suggested.

Although I have not fully tested it, it seems to work well.

Nonetheless, I wanted to 2x check with you couple of points:

a) For step 1, I used `session.info` to stash `history_objects` - a
dictionary containing the newly created XYZHistory instances keyed by
their "parent" XYZ instance's id and version. Is that a good place to
store them? I guess I would need to "clear" it up on a
`session.rollback` and `session.commit` ?

session.info is great for that. If you want to clear it out when transactions end, there's a few events you can use for that and after_transaction_end might be a good one.


b) For step 2, increase each XYZ instance's version `before_commit`
right when any newly added XYZHistory instance is being added to the

before_commit() is invoked before the final flush() so this is a great place to do that.

Any thoughts? suggestions? comments?

Thanks in advance

Here is a sneak peak of the changes:


# history_meta.py

@event.listens_for(session, 'before_flush')

def versioned_session_before_flush_handler(session):
    if "history-objects" not in session.info:
        history_objects = dict()
        session.info["history-objects"] = history_objects

@event.listens_for(session, 'before_commit')

def versioned_session_before_commit_handler(session):

    for hist in history_objects.values():


        vobj =
session.query(inspect(hist).class_.__versioning_cls__).get(hist.id) #
__versioning_cls__ is the class with the Versioned mixin

        vobj.version = hist.version + 1

# near the bottom of `create_version`
    hist_pk = (inspect(obj).identity, obj.version)
    hist = history_objects.get(hist_pk, None)
    if hist is None:
        hist = hist_cls()



Here is the diff (against rel_0_9_8)

$ git diff rel_0_9_8..test_version_relationship_0_9_8 --

diff --git a/examples/versioned_history/history_meta.py

index f9e979a..84ba87b 100644

--- a/examples/versioned_history/history_meta.py

+++ b/examples/versioned_history/history_meta.py

@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@from sqlalchemy import Table, Column,
ForeignKeyConstraint, Integer, DateTime

 from sqlalchemy import event

 import datetime

 from sqlalchemy.orm.properties import RelationshipProperty

+from sqlalchemy import inspect


+import logging

+log = logging.getLogger("History-Meta")

 def col_references_table(col, table):

     for fk in col.foreign_keys:

@@ -68,9 +72,11 @@def _history_mapper(local_mapper):

         # "changed" column stores the UTC timestamp of when the

         # history row was created.

         # This column is optional and can be omitted.

+        """

         cols.append(Column('changed', DateTime,



+        """

         if super_fks:


@@ -95,6 +101,8 @@def _history_mapper(local_mapper):

         bases = local_mapper.base_mapper.class_.__bases__

     versioned_cls = type.__new__(type, "%sHistory" % cls.__name__,
bases, {})

+    versioned_cls.__versioning_cls__ = cls


     m = mapper(



@@ -191,20 +210,46 @@def create_version(obj, session, deleted=False):

                 if obj_changed is True:


+    log.info("%r relationship changed ? %r" % (obj, obj_changed))


     if not obj_changed and not deleted:


-    attr['version'] = obj.version

-    hist = history_cls()

-    for key, value in attr.items():

-        setattr(hist, key, value)

-    session.add(hist)

-    obj.version += 1

+    hist_pk = (inspect(obj).identity, obj.version)

+    hist = session.info["history-objects"].get(hist_pk, None)

+    if hist is None:

+        hist = history_cls()

+        attr['version'] = obj.version

+        session.info["history-objects"].update({ hist_pk : hist })


+        for key, value in attr.items():

+            setattr(hist, key, value)


+    #session.add(hist)

+    #obj.version += 1

 def versioned_session(session):

     @event.listens_for(session, 'before_flush')

     def before_flush(session, flush_context, instances):

-        for obj in versioned_objects(session.dirty):

-            create_version(obj, session)

-        for obj in versioned_objects(session.deleted):

-            create_version(obj, session, deleted=True)

+        versioned_session_before_flush_handler(session)


+    @event.listens_for(session, 'before_commit')

+    def before_commit(session):

+        versioned_session_before_commit_handler(session)


+def versioned_session_before_flush_handler(session):

+    if "history-objects" not in session.info:

+        log.info("history-objects added to session.info")

+        session.info["history-objects"] = dict()

+    for obj in versioned_objects(session.dirty):

+        create_version(obj, session)

+    for obj in versioned_objects(session.deleted):

+        create_version(obj, session, deleted=True)


+def versioned_session_before_commit_handler(session):

+    for hist in session.info["history-objects"].values():

+        session.add(hist)

+        vobj =

+        assert vobj and hist.version == vobj.version, "vobj: %r hist:
%r" % (vobj, hist)

+        vobj.version = hist.version + 1

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