On 09/21/2016 02:08 PM, Seth P wrote:
The answer to this is probably RTFM, but I can't figure it out.

Suppose I have a declarative model of the form

class MyModel(Model):
    idx = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    c1 = sa.Column(sa.Float)
    c2 = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
    c10 = sa.Column(sa.Float)

And a list of (millions of) tuples of (c1, c2, ..., c10) values, e.g.
data = [
    (1.1, 1, ..., 1.0),
    (2.9, 2, ...., 2.345),
    (14312.2, 12412, ..., 1251.15)

What is the fastest way to insert this data into the database?

With Postgresql I would get a cursor from a raw connection, and call
cursor.copy_expert("COPY <tablename> (<column names>) FROM STDIN
                   StringIO(''.join(','.join(row) + '\n' for row in data)))

For other databases, e.g. Oracle, what's the best way to accomplish
this? I don't see a similar function in cx_Oracle.
I imagine I should use core, and not the ORM. I've read
but it's not clear to me how to go in this case.

you don't need to use values(). insert() will construct the VALUES clause automatically from a consistent set of parameters. Basic example is in the Core Tutorial at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/tutorial.html#executing-multiple-statements .


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