I am working with SQLAlchemy to insert data in a MSSQL database. Typically 
we need to make regular insert of say half million rows in few tables.

Right now I am using Core flavour to make batch insertion via pyodbc and I 
have notice that in the DB trace I have an entry per row

declare @p1 int
set @p1=12996
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 nvarchar(36),@P2 bigint,@P3 float,@P4 
float,@P5 float,@P6 float,@P7 nvarchar(5),@P8 nvarchar(5),@P9 
nvarchar(3),@P10 nvarchar(3),@P11 nvarchar(9),@P12 nvarchar(1),@P13 
nvarchar(7),@P14 float,@P15 float,@P16 float,@P17 float,@P18 float,@P19 
float,@P20 float,@P21 float,@P22 int,@P23 float,@P24 varchar(1),@P25 
nvarchar(2),@P26 varchar(1),@P27 float,@P28 int,@P29 float',N'INSERT INTO 
tmp.guest.[PythonAccess] ([RunID], [DemandID], [FFEPerWeek], 
[WeightPerFFE], [MXNPerFFE], [TimeLimit], [PortFrom], [PortTo], 
[CargoType], [CtrType], [StringCode], [Direction], [TradeLane], [20fPct], 
[40fPct], [45fPct], [MaxTransshipments], [CostLimit], [FFEPerWeekSource], 
[WeightPerFFESource], [TimeLimitSource], [MaxTransshipmentsSource], 
[CostLimitSource], [SourceChanges], [RouteCode], [Source], 
[TimeLimitSlack], [MaxTransshipmentsSlack], [CostLimitSlack]) VALUES (@P1, 
@P2, @P3, @P4, @P5, @P6, @P7, @P8, @P9, @P10, @P11, @P12, @P13, @P14, @P15, 
@P16, @P17, @P18, @P19, @P20, @P21, @P22, @P23, @P24, @P25, @P26, @P27, 
select @p1

what surprise me is that there is a prepare per row. A similar C++ 
implementation shows only an initial prepare and then only exec. And indeed 
is much faster. 

I have then saw I can force a prepare on the transaction

  with engine.connect() as conn:
      trans= conn.begin_twophase()

But the two phase transaction is not supported for pyodbc, 

Why is that? Any suggestion/alternative??

Thanks a lot.

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