How to convert sqlalchemy to json format

My sample code is  below...

I'm struggling using various packages..etc. to convert..  the result that 
was received under variable rows.

from flask import Flask, jsonify, json
from flask_restful import reqparse, abort, Api, Resource
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Table, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy import select
from IPython.utils.tests.test_capture import hello_stderr
engine = 
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
conn = engine.connect()
users_table = Table('HELP', metadata,autoload=True)

s = select([users_table])
res = conn.execute(s)

rows = res.fetchall()
print rows

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