I realize that the orm really wants/needs a table to have a primary key: 

Alas I have to deal with an existing table with no primary key. That said, 
it does have a unique constraint on a subset of the columns, though some of 
them are nullable (and indeed contain nulls). I've set up a declarative 
model with these columns labeled as primary_key=True, and things seem to 
work... until they don't, e.g. when calling delete() on some objects 
followed by flush():
sqlalchemy.orm.exc.FlushError: Can't delete from table MY_SCHEMA.my_table 
using NULL for primary key value on column my_table.MY_COLUMN_1

I know this is a long shot, but is there any way to tell the orm not to be 
such a stickler for detail, and just go ahead and emit the sql? I dread not 
being able to use the orm...

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