On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Lele Gaifax <l...@metapensiero.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to have an Entity able to be "attached" to N different others,
> avoiding the need of N intermediate/secondary tables.
> I imagine something like the following::
>   class Address(Base):
>       __tablename__ = 'addresses'
>       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>       attached_kind = Column(String)
>       attached_to = Column(Integer)
>       street = Column(String)
>       city = Column(String)
>       state = Column(String)
>       zip = Column(String)
>   class Person(Base):
>       __tablename__ = 'persons'
>       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>       name = Column(String)
>       addresses = relationship(
>         Address,
>         uselist=True,
>         primaryjoin="and_(Address.attached_to==Person.id, 
> Address.attached_kind='Person')")
>   class Home(Base):
>       __tablename__ = 'homes'
>       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>       name = Column(String)
>       addresses = relationship(
>         Address,
>         uselist=True,
>         primaryjoin="and_(Address.attached_to==Home.id, 
> Address.attached_kind='Home')")
> This is really a variant of 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_1/orm/join_conditions.html#specifying-alternate-join-conditions
> except that the Address entity carries a tuple of (remote_object_kind,
> remote_object_id) that uniquely identify the related object.
> The above partially works, but as explained in the doc, SA does not populate
> the "attached_*" fields when I do something like::
>   newaddr = Address(street='somewhere')
>   person.addresses.append(newaddr)
> so I have to do this instead::
>   newaddr = Address(street='somewhere', attached_kind='Person', 
> attached_id=person.id)
> Is there any trick hidden somewhere, or do I need a add_address() method on
> each entity?

There are a few examples of different ways of doing this at
I think your example is more or less the same as the one at

As the comment at the top of that file says, the database schema isn't
ideal because there is no database-level foreign key constraint on the
Address.attached_to column, so ensuring database consistency is more
difficult. If that isn't a concern in your application, you can
probably carry on with what you've got. Otherwise, you might want to
look at one of the alternative suggestions.

Hope that helps,


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