On 10/25/2016 04:43 PM, Jonathan Lowery wrote:
No support currently exists for this oracle datatype because of the way
the Oracle dialect parses data types in sqlalchemy\dialects\oracle\base.py

A column in a table I am attempting to reflect is of the type "TIMESTAMP

you should be seeing a warning, and the type comes back as NullType. The column should work normally as the passing / receiving of the date value is done by cx_oracle. For basic operations the actual data type of the column shouldn't matter.

You can also override the type established using a reflection event:


however this event doesn't give you the raw type information, you'd need to figure out this is the column with the unusual type.

Support for "LOCAL TIME ZONE", for it to be complete, would need to be expressed as a new oracle.TIMEZONE type that supports "local" time zone as a flag. Reflecting it into a regular TIMEZONE is almost OK but it won't turn around and re-render as LOCAL TIME ZONE.

A feature request posted to the issue tracker would be how to get this started (next would be a pull request).

A temporary monkey-patch fix I've got for now is as follows:

    def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):

        kw arguments can be:




        resolve_synonyms = kw.get('oracle_resolve_synonyms', False)
        dblink = kw.get('dblink', '')
        info_cache = kw.get('info_cache')

        (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = \
            self._prepare_reflection_args(connection, table_name, schema,
                                          resolve_synonyms, dblink,
        columns = []
        if self._supports_char_length:
            char_length_col = 'char_length'
            char_length_col = 'data_length'

        params = {"table_name": table_name}
        text = "SELECT column_name, data_type, %(char_length_col)s, "\
            "data_precision, data_scale, "\
            "nullable, data_default FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS%(dblink)s "\
            "WHERE table_name = :table_name"
        if schema is not None:
            params['owner'] = schema
            text += " AND owner = :owner "
        text += " ORDER BY column_id"
        text = text % {'dblink': dblink, 'char_length_col': char_length_col}

        c = connection.execute(sql.text(text), **params)

        for row in c:
            (colname, orig_colname, coltype, length, precision, scale,
nullable, default) = \
                (self.normalize_name(row[0]), row[0], row[1], row[
                 2], row[3], row[4], row[5] == 'Y', row[6])

            if coltype == 'NUMBER':
                coltype = NUMBER(precision, scale)
            elif coltype in ('VARCHAR2', 'NVARCHAR2', 'CHAR'):
                coltype = self.ischema_names.get(coltype)(length)
            elif 'WITH TIME ZONE' in coltype or 'WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE'
in coltype:
                coltype = TIMESTAMP(timezone=True)
                coltype = re.sub(r'\(\d+\)', '', coltype)
                    coltype = self.ischema_names[coltype]
                except KeyError:
                    util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" %
                              (coltype, colname))
                    coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE

            cdict = {
                'name': colname,
                'type': coltype,
                'nullable': nullable,
                'default': default,
                'autoincrement': default is None
            if orig_colname.lower() == orig_colname:
                cdict['quote'] = True

        return columns


There are probably many better ways to do this, but if someone could
address it in a patch, that would be great.

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