On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Dorian Hoxha <dorian.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I have:
> class Thing():
>     current_user_like = relationship(Like)
> class User():
>     pass
> class Like():
>     user_id = Column(primary_key=True)
>     thing_id = Column(primary_key=True)
> Now I want, to do "session.query(Thing).all()" and also join the
> "current_user_like" for each Thing, but only get 1 row instead of the whole
> collection of `likes` for each Thing.
> I know this can be done with db.session.query(Thing,Like) and doing an
> outerjoin, but can it be done so I get Like embedded inside
> Thing.current_user_like ?

I'm not sure I understand the question. How do you specify which
user_id should correspond to the "current user"? Are you asking how to
create the "current_user_like" relationship, or how to populate it
during a query?

In general, if you want a relationship to be populated during a query,
you use one of the loader options such as joinedload or subqueryload:



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