I am using SQLAlchemy and am having an issue wrt to an SQLite error: 

SQLite Date type only accepts Python date objects as input. 
    [SQL: 'SELECT anon_1.patient_sid AS sid FROM 
    (SELECT clinical_data.patient_sid AS patient_sid FROM clinical_data 
    WHERE clinical_data.event_date >= ?) AS anon_1']

I understand perfectly the meaning of the error, but I do not understand 
why it is happening in my case.

The parameter that I am passing to do the date comparison in the query 
clinical_data.event_date >= ?
is set as:

valdate = datetime.strptime('1776-01-01 00:00:00', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").date

and, I have validated that the data type of `valdate` is `<type 

The class used to construct the query is:

  class ClinicalData(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'clinical_data'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        patient_id = Column(Integer)
        patient_sid  = Column(Integer)
        string_value = Column(String(255))
        double_value = Column(Float)
        data_type_id = Column(Integer)
        event_date = Column(Date)
        ontology_id = Column(Integer)
        attribute_id = Column(Integer)
        project_id = Column(Integer)
        replaced_by_id = Column(Integer)
        date_record_added = Column(DateTime)
        parent = Column(Integer)
        num_children = Column(Integer)
        lft = Column(Integer)
        rgt = Column(Integer)

The SQLAlchemy documentation for SQLite states (see [SQLAlchemy SQLite 
<http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/sqlite.html>) that 
"SQLAlchemy’s own DateTime and related types provide date formatting and 
parsing functionality when SQlite is used..."

Note that when I use `DateTime` as a data type in my class model on the 
`event_date` attribute I get the following error 
SQLite DateTime type only accepts Python datetime and date objects as input.

For this I define 
valdate = datetime.strptime('1776-01-01 00:00:00', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

without the `date()` method. As expected, `type(valdate)` in this case 
<type 'datetime.datetime'>

I have tried every combination of creating the variable `valdate` with the 
`event_date` attribute of my class.

I am not asking how to convert my string object to a python datetime 
object, nor am I asking what the error means. I am not sure exactly why I 
keep getting this error when everything appears to be sufficiently defined.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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