
May be I celebrated little bit too early. It looks like for no obvious 
reason the scoped_session rolls back the transaction right at the last 
moment. Any idea on how to debug this ?


with session_shardid(DBSession(),table_hash): 

Base.metadata.create_all() --> works fine

2016-11-26 12:38:13,681 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
CREATE TABLE group_order_ba6bd213 (
 group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
 title TEXT NOT NULL, 
 description TEXT, 
 PRIMARY KEY (gtid), 

2016-11-26 12:38:13,682 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
'uWSGIWorker4Core0'] {}
Inside _apply_shard_id
{'shard': 'ba6bd213'}
2016-11-26 12:38:13,695 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
'uWSGIWorker4Core0'] CREATE INDEX group_order_ba6bd213_index1 ON 
(group_id, user_id)
2016-11-26 12:38:13,695 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
'uWSGIWorker4Core0'] {}
2016-11-26 12:38:13,705 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:699][b
'uWSGIWorker4Core0'] ROLLBACK

On Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 9:10:23 AM UTC-6, Srikanth Bemineni wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope this helps others
> 1. DBSession is scoped_session. Use DBSession() to get the actual session 
>     https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.sqlalchemy
> with session_shardid(DBSession(),table_hash): 
>   Base.metadata.create_all(DBSession().connection())
> 2. AttributeError: 'SessionTransaction' object has no attribute 
> '_iterate_parents' 
>     This is a bug in zope.sqlalchemy. I was using 7.6. This is fixed in 
> 7.7 
>     https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.sqlalchemy/issues/15
> Hi Mike,
> There is small issue in the recipe. May be we need to replace the 
> parameter also, if we it contains table names
> 2016-11-26 08:52:08,628 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
> 'uWSGIWorker3Core0'] select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n 
> on n.oid=c.relnamespace where pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) and 
> relname=%(name)s
> 2016-11-26 08:52:08,628 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
> 'uWSGIWorker3Core0'] {'name': 'group_order_shardid_'}
> I need to replace the parameters so that it checks the proper table name 
> before creating it
> 2016-11-26 08:52:08,628 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
> 'uWSGIWorker3Core0'] select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n 
> on n.oid=c.relnamespace where pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) and 
> relname=%(name)s
> 2016-11-26 08:52:08,628 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
> 'uWSGIWorker3Core0'] {'name': 'group_order_ba6bd213'}
> def _apply_shard_id(connection, cursor, statement, parameters,
>                                         context, executemany):
>     """Apply a "shard id" to statements.
>     Similar to the comment listener, we alter the statement on the
>     fly replacing occurrences of "_shard_" with the current "shard id".
>     """
>     session_info = connection.info.get('session_info', {})
>     print(session_info)
>     if "shard" in session_info:
>         statement = statement.replace("_shardid_", session_info["shard"])
>         for param,value in parameters.items():
>         if isinstance(value, str):
>         parameters[param] = value.replace("_shardid_",session_info["shard"
> ])
>     return statement, parameters
> On Friday, November 25, 2016 at 10:14:31 PM UTC-6, Srikanth Bemineni wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry some of the debug trace was missing from the previous post
>> WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 2 seconds on interpreter 0x15dc190 
>> pid: 10256 (default app)
>> Inside session_shardid
>> *<sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session object at 0x7fe70702bdd8>*
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,808 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] select version()
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,808 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,809 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] select current_schema()
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,810 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1235][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] SELECT CAST('test plain returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS 
>> anon_1
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1236][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1235][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] SELECT CAST('test unicode returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) 
>> AS anon_1
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1236][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] show standard_conforming_strings
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,813 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:679][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] BEGIN (implicit)
>> Inside __connection_for_session
>> <sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0x7fe70093b940>
>> *<sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object at 0x7fe701b9dc88>*
>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,815 ERROR [pyramid_debugtoolbar:227][b
>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] Exception at http://localhost:9090/group_debug
>> traceback url: http:
>> //localhost:9090/_debug_toolbar/exception?token=62272d5c7863305c7830665c78393224765c7838335c786662265c78666427&tb=140630123854312
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   ....
>>   File "./medicscity/views/group.py", line 144, in group_debug
>>     Base.metadata.create_all(DBSession.connection())
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/scoping.py"
>> , line 157, in do
>>     return getattr(self.registry(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py"
>> , line 966, in connection
>>     execution_options=execution_options)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py"
>> , line 971, in _connection_for_bind
>>     engine, execution_options)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py"
>> , line 417, in _connection_for_bind
>>     self.session.dispatch.after_begin(self.session, self, conn)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/attr.py"
>> , line 256, in __call__
>>     fn(*args, **kw)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/zope.sqlalchemy-0.7.6-py3.4.egg/zope/sqlalchemy/datamanager.py"
>> , line 231, in after_begin
>>     join_transaction(session, self.initial_state, self.
>> transaction_manager, self.keep_session)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/zope.sqlalchemy-0.7.6-py3.4.egg/zope/sqlalchemy/datamanager.py"
>> , line 205, in join_transaction
>>     DataManager(session, initial_state, transaction_manager, keep_session
>> =keep_session)
>>   File 
>> "/home/izero/devel/medics_city/medics_city_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/zope.sqlalchemy-0.7.6-py3.4.egg/zope/sqlalchemy/datamanager.py"
>> , line 65, in __init__
>>     self.tx = session.transaction._iterate_parents()[-1]
>> AttributeError: 'SessionTransaction' object has no attribute 
>> '_iterate_parents'
>> On Friday, November 25, 2016 at 10:12:18 PM UTC-6, Srikanth Bemineni 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was not using the DBSession.connection() while creating the tables 
>>> when invoking the create_all function on the metadata. After fixing that 
>>> issue I end with an another issue. It looks like the 
>>> session(scoped_session), where I set the shard id, and the session that I 
>>> receive, when the shard id is moved to the connection(after_begin event 
>>> received by _connection_for_session) are different, even if I am using 
>>> the same scoped_session. How can I get the session that is inside the 
>>> scoped_session to set the info ?
>>> app __init__.py
>>> engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
>>> DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=
>>> ZopeTransactionExtension()))
>>> DBSession.configure(bind=engine)
>>> connectionsetup.py
>>> @listens_for(DBSession, "after_begin")
>>> def _connection_for_session(session, trans, connection):
>>>     """Share the 'info' dictionary of Session with Connection
>>>     objects.
>>>     This occurs as new Connection objects are associated with the
>>>     Session.   The .info dictionary on Connection is local to the
>>>     DBAPI connection.
>>>     """
>>>     print("Inside __connection_for_session")
>>>     print(connection)
>>>     print(session)
>>>     connection.info['session_info'] = session.info
>>> @contextmanager
>>> def session_shardid(session, shardid):
>>>     """Apply the "shard" id to all SQL emitted by the given Session.
>>>     """
>>>     print("Inside session_shardid")
>>>     print(session)
>>>     session.info["shard"] = shardid
>>>     yield
>>>     del session.info["shard"]
>>> View.py
>>> with session_shardid(DBSession,table_hash): 
>>>   Base.metadata.create_all(DBSession.connection())
>>> WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 2 seconds on interpreter 0x15dc190 
>>> pid: 10256 (default app)
>>> Inside session_shardid
>>> <sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session object at 0x7fe70702bdd8>
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,808 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] select version()
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,808 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,809 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] select current_schema()
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,810 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1235][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] SELECT CAST('test plain returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) 
>>> AS anon_1
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1236][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,811 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1235][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] SELECT CAST('test unicode returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) 
>>> AS anon_1
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1236][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1140][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] show standard_conforming_strings
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,812 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1143][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] {}
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,813 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:679][b
>>> 'uWSGIWorker2Core0'] BEGIN (implicit)
>>> Inside __connection_for_session
>>> <sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0x7fe70093b940>
>>> <sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object at 0x7fe701b9dc88>
>>> 2016-11-25 21:34:50,815 ERROR [pyramid_debugtoolbar:227][b<span 
>>> style="color: #080;" class="styled-by

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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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