On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 11:26:31 AM UTC-5, Michal Nowikowski wrote:
> Imagine that we have many Keywords but not all of them are used (not all 
> are associated to some BlogPosts).
> Now, how to get list of Keywords that are used anywhere (i.e. these that 
> are associated to some BlogPosts)?

I'm not sure what you mean by this, so I'll try my best: 

Answer #1: query the Keyword class directly to find all the keywords.   

Answer #2: If you want to filter the keywords based on a keyword being used 
in at least one or more posts (or None at all), it would be easiest to use 
a PostKeywords ORM class to handle the database table (instead of the 
lower-level core "Table" construct, as in the example). Then you join that 
onto your query and filter against that. 

If you go a bit deeper into the ORM documentation on these chapters ( 
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/relationships.html) , it shows 
association classes instead of tables and goes into a deep 'howto" for this 
type of filtering.

It looks like Mike was trying to build-up some working knowledge in the 
chapter/example you cited. 

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