I want to achieve something like this:

Base = declarative_base()

# the abstract base, no table generated for it
class TreeNode(Base):
__abstract__ = True
parent = Column(ForeignKey('child_class_table.id'), nullable=False)

def is_root(self):
def get_parent(self):

# more methods

# the child, mapped to a table(in this case named 'discipline')
class Discipline(TreeNode):
__tablename__ = 'discipline'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Unicode(500), nullable=False)

# a generated auxiliary table for the child(in this case named 
class DisciplineClosure(Base):
__tablename__ = 'discipline_closure'

ancestor_id = Column(ForeignKey('discipline.id'), nullable=False)
descendant_id = Column(ForeignKey('discipline.id'), nullable=False)
depth = Column(Integer, nullable=False)

Is this possible in SQLAlchemy? How to implement it ?
Or is there an another way to implement my closure table ?

My Django implementation Attached, but I wanna do it using SQLAlchemy.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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# from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q, Max
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.utils.six import with_metaclass
import re

def _closure_unicode(self):
	return "\'%s\' -> \'%s\', depth: %d" % \
	       (self.ancestor, self.descendant, self.depth)

# this function is stolen from stack overflow
def camel_to_snake_case(name):
	s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
	return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()

def _remove_ancestor_cls(node):
	Closure = node._closure
	ancs = node.get_ancestors()
	descs = node.get_descendants(include_self=True)
	for anc in ancs:
		for desc in descs:
				Q(ancestor=anc) & Q(descendant=desc)

def _create_cls(parent, child):
	Closure = parent._closure
	anc_cls = Closure.objects.filter(descendant=parent)
	descs = child.get_descendants(include_self=True)
	for desc in descs:
		for cl in anc_cls:
			new_cl = Closure()
			new_cl.ancestor = cl.ancestor
			new_cl.descendant = desc
			new_cl.depth = Closure.objects.get(
				Q(ancestor=child) & Q(descendant=desc)
			).depth + cl.depth + 1

class TreeNodeMeta(ModelBase):
	""" Metaclass of TreeNode, creates a closure table
	    for each subclass of TreeNode

	def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
		""" creates a closure table for each subclass of TreeNode
		    [cls] is the subclass of TreeNode
		super(TreeNodeMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)

		# not gonna create closure table for TreeNode itself, 
		# only for its subclasses
		if cls.__module__ == __name__:

		meta_attrs = {
			'unique_together': (('ancestor', 'descendant'),)

		meta_attrs['db_table'] = '%s_closure' \
		                         % camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)

		closure = type(
			'%sClosure' % cls.__name__, # class name
			(models.Model, ),           # base classes
			{                           # attributes
				'ancestor':    models.ForeignKey(
				'descendant':  models.ForeignKey(
				'depth':       models.IntegerField(),
				'__module__':  cls.__module__,
			 	'__unicode__': _closure_unicode,
				'Meta':        type(str('Meta'), (object,), meta_attrs),
		cls._closure = closure

class TreeNode(with_metaclass(TreeNodeMeta, models.Model)):
	""" For tree-based models. Make your model inherit from it.
	    It creates a closure table for each subclass. The closure table
	    maintains ancestor-descendant relationships for the tree nodes

	class Meta:
		abstract = True

	parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

	def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
		""" Saves the tree node into database.
		    When saving a newly created node, except for the root, a valid
		    parent must be specified, or save() will raise AttributeError.
		    For an exsisting node, use 'become_child_of' method to change
		    parent, rather than alter 'parent' property directly.
		Closure = self._closure
		# create = self.pk is None  # what if the pk has default value ?
		create = not self.__class__.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).exists()

		if create:
			not_root = Closure.objects.exists()

			if not_root:   # check parent
				if not hasattr(self, 'parent') or self.parent == None:
					raise AttributeError('parent not set')
				else:    # throw if self.parent is not in the closure table
					qs = Closure.objects.filter( Q(ancestor=self.parent)
					                           | Q(descendant=self.parent) )
					if qs.count() == 0:
						raise AttributeError('invalid parent')

			ret = super(TreeNode, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

			# set ancestor-descendant relationship for each ancestor
			if not_root:
				ancestor_cls = Closure.objects.filter(descendant=self.parent)
				for cl in ancestor_cls:
					new_cl = Closure()
					new_cl.ancestor = cl.ancestor
					new_cl.descendant = self
					new_cl.depth = cl.depth + 1

			cl = Closure()
			cl.ancestor = self
			cl.descendant = self
			cl.depth = 0

			return ret
		else:  # update
			if self.parent != self.get_parent():
				if self.is_child_of(self.parent):
					return super(TreeNode, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
					raise AttributeError(
					          'You should not re-parent a node by setting ' \
					          'its \'parent\' property directly. ' \
					          'Use \'become_child_of\' method instead')
				return super(TreeNode, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

	def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
		""" Delete the node and its desendants.
		    May not be called when deleting on QuerySet or
		    cascade delete is triggered
		Closure = self._closure
		descs = self.get_descendants(include_self=True)
		for desc in descs:
			Closure.objects.filter( Q(ancestor=desc)
		                          | Q(descendant=desc)).delete()
		# descendants are cascade deleted
		super(TreeNode, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)

	def is_root(self):
		""" Returns True if the node is root node.
		return not self.get_ancestors().exists()

	def get_root(cls):
		""" Returns the root node if it exists, otherwise returns None.
		if cls.objects.exists():
			Closure = cls.objects.all()[0]._closure
			return None
		max_depth = Closure.objects.all().aggregate(Max('depth'))['depth__max']
		return Closure.objects.filter(depth=max_depth)[0].ancestor

	def get_parent(self):
		""" Returns the parent node, returns None for the root.
		ancs = self.get_ancestors(depth=1)
		if ancs.exists():
			return ancs[0]
			return None

	def get_children(self, include_self=False):
		return self.get_descendants(depth=1, include_self=include_self)

	def get_ancestors(self, depth=None, include_self=False):
		condi = Q(descendant=self)
		if depth is not None:
			condi &= Q(depth__lte=depth)
		if not include_self:
			condi &= Q(depth__gte=1)
		qs = self._closure.objects.filter(condi)
		return self.__class__.objects.filter(_as_ancestor__in=qs)

	def get_descendants(self, depth=None, include_self=False):
		condi = Q(ancestor=self)
		if depth is not None:
			condi &= Q(depth__lte=depth)
		if not include_self:
			condi &= Q(depth__gte=1)
		qs = self._closure.objects.filter(condi)
		return self.__class__.objects.filter(_as_descendant__in=qs)

	def is_child_of(self, node):
		condi = Q(ancestor=node) & Q(descendant=self) & Q(depth=1)
		return self._closure.objects.filter(condi).exists()

	def is_parent_of(self, node):
		return node.is_child_of(self)

	def is_ancestor_of(self, node):
		condi = Q(ancestor=self) & Q(descendant=node) & Q(depth__gte=1)
		return self._closure.objects.filter(condi).exists()

	def is_descendant_of(self, node):
		condi = Q(ancestor=node) & Q(descendant=self) & Q(depth__gte=1)
		return self._closure.objects.filter(condi).exists()

	def become_child_of(self, node):
		new_parent = node
		if new_parent == self.get_parent():

		if new_parent.is_descendant_of(self):
			old_parent = self.get_parent()
			_create_cls(parent=new_parent, child=self)
			if old_parent is not None:
				_create_cls(parent=old_parent, child=new_parent)
			new_parent.parent = old_parent
			_create_cls(parent=new_parent, child=self)

		self.parent = new_parent

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