On 02/22/2017 10:17 AM, Michael Williamson wrote:
Using CTEs directly inside union() (or similar functions such as
intersect()) causes an error:

     query_1 = s.query(Record.id).cte()
     query_2 = s.query(Record.id).cte()

     select_from = union(query_1, query_2)

what does the above intend to mean? I don't know what SQL one would expect from that. A CTE is specifically a SELECT that goes on top of another SELECT as a sort of "aliased" subquery. a UNION doesn't make any sense on the "outside" of that unless you can show me.

I can see this instead:

        q1 = s.query(Record.id)
        q2 = s.query(Record.id)

        select_from = union(q1, q2).cte()

but that's not what the above is saying.


    sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) syntax
    error at or near "SELECT" LINE 2: SELECT record.id AS id
     [SQL: 'WITH anon_2 AS \nSELECT record.id AS id \nFROM record,
    \nanon_3 AS \nSELECT record.id AS id \nFROM record\n SELECT
    count(%(count_2)s) AS count_1 \nFROM (anon_2 UNION anon_3) AS
    anon_1'] [parameters: {'count_2': 1}]

The way I got things working was to wrap the CTE in a SELECT rather than
using it directly:

    select_from = union(

However, the original error didn't make it especially obvious to me
what was going on. Perhaps either the API could be changed to allow
using the CTE directly, or a clearer error could be emitted? Or am I
just thinking about this all wrong?

I also got an error when using subquery() instead of cte(), which was
fixed in the same way -- presumably this is the same issue?



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