Was the underlying issue ever resolved?

Running into the same error here, but my query generation is automatic, so 
taking it apart will take a little longer...

On Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:57:56 UTC-8, Mike Bayer wrote:
> Hi Darin - 
> That's definitely a bug because all self_group() methods are supposed to 
> at least have a **kw to let that argument pass in.   I located the one 
> method that has this issue which is the self_group() method of Alias. 
> However, this also suggests that an Alias object is being used in a 
> columnar-context which is not actually what you want, an Alias is only 
> good for a FROM clause. 
> Looking at your code where I think it's going wrong is: 
>      func.row_to_json(stmt2) 
> because stmt2 is an alias(), and func.xyz() expects a columnar 
> expression. 
> We are dealing here with Postgresql's very awkward SQL extensions to 
> functions.  There's a wide variety of these that are to be supported as 
> part of 
> https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issues/3566/figure-out-how-to-support-all-of-pgs,
> though this case seems to be yet another case.   I've added a recipe for 
> this as example three on the "pinned" response: 
> from sqlalchemy.sql import Alias, ColumnElement 
> from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles 
> class as_row(ColumnElement): 
>      def __init__(self, expr): 
>          assert isinstance(expr, Alias) 
>          self.expr = expr 
> @compiles(as_row) 
> def _gen_as_row(element, compiler, **kw): 
>      return compiler.visit_alias(element.expr, ashint=True, **kw) 
> if __name__ == '__main__': 
>      from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, create_engine, func 
>      from sqlalchemy.orm import Session 
>      from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 
>      Base = declarative_base() 
>      class A(Base): 
>          __tablename__ = 'a' 
>          id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 
>          x = Column(Integer) 
>          y = Column(Integer) 
>      e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", 
> echo=True) 
>      Base.metadata.drop_all(e) 
>      Base.metadata.create_all(e) 
>      s = Session(e) 
>      s.add_all([ 
>          A(x=1, y=2), 
>          A(x=5, y=4) 
>      ]) 
>      s.commit() 
>      subq = s.query(A).subquery() 
>      print s.query(func.row_to_json(as_row(subq))).select_from(subq).all() 
> On 11/17/2016 07:25 AM, Darin Gordon wrote: 
> > Using:  postgres 9.6  and latest sqlalchemy 1.1.4 
> > 
> > I've been trying to port a query to a sqlalchemy query but have gotten 
> > an exception about an unrecognized keyword arg, which 
> > confuses me as to whether the issue is my code or a bug in sqlalchemy: 
> >  TypeError: self_group() got an unexpected keyword argument 'against' 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I've been trying to port the following query, which works in psql, to a 
> > sqlalchemy query: 
> > 
> > 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> >     select domain, json_agg(parts) as permissions from 
> >             (select domain, row_to_json(r) as parts from 
> >                     (select domain, action, array_agg(distinct target) 
> > as target from 
> >                         (select (case when domain is null then '*' else 
> > domain end) as domain, 
> >                                 (case when target is null then '*' else 
> > target end) as target, 
> >                                 array_agg(distinct (case when action is 
> > null then '*' else action end)) as action 
> >                            from permission 
> >                           group by domain, target 
> >                          ) x 
> >                       group by domain, action) 
> >               r) parts 
> >         group by domain; 
> > 
> > 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > The following sqlalchemy query raises the exception: 
> > 
> >     thedomain = case([(Domain.name == None, '*')], else_=Domain.name) 
> >         theaction = case([(Action.name == None, '*')], 
> else_=Action.name) 
> >         theresource = case([(Resource.name == None, '*')], 
> > else_=Resource.name) 
> > 
> >         action_agg = func.array_agg(theaction.distinct()) 
> > 
> >         stmt1 = ( 
> >             session.query(thedomain.label('domain'), 
> >                           theresource.label('resource'), 
> >                           action_agg.label('action')). 
> >             select_from(User). 
> >             join(role_membership_table, User.pk_id == 
> > role_membership_table.c.user_id). 
> >             join(role_permission_table, role_membership_table.c.role_id 
> > == role_permission_table.c.role_id). 
> >             join(Permission, role_permission_table.c.permission_id == 
> > Permission.pk_id). 
> >             outerjoin(Domain, Permission.domain_id == Domain.pk_id). 
> >             outerjoin(Action, Permission.action_id == Action.pk_id). 
> >             outerjoin(Resource, Permission.resource_id == 
> Resource.pk_id). 
> >             filter(User.identifier == identifier). 
> >             group_by(Permission.domain_id, 
> > Permission.resource_id)).subquery() 
> > 
> >         stmt2 = (session.query(stmt1.c.domain, 
> >                                stmt1.c.action, 
> >                               
>  func.array_agg(stmt1.c.resource.distinct())). 
> >                  select_from(stmt1). 
> >                  group_by(stmt1.c.domain, stmt1.c.action)).subquery() 
> > 
> >         stmt3 = (session.query(stmt2.c.domain, 
> >                                func.row_to_json(stmt2)). 
> >                  select_from(stmt2)).subquery() 
> > 
> >         final = (session.query(stmt3.c.domain, func.json_agg(stmt3)). 
> >                  select_from(stmt3). 
> >                  group_by(stmt3.c.domain)) 
> > 
> > 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Here's the exception trace: 
> > 
> > ...../yosai_alchemystore/accountstore/accountstore.py in 
> > _get_indexed_permissions_query(self, session, identifier) 
> >     156 
> >     157         stmt3 = (session.query(stmt2.c.domain, 
> > --> 158                                func.row_to_json(stmt2)). 
> >     159                  select_from(stmt2)).subquery() 
> >     160 
> > 
> > ...../lib/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py in 
> > __call__(self, *c, **kwargs) 
> >     322 
> >     323         return Function(self.__names[-1], 
> > --> 324                         packagenames=self.__names[0:-1], *c, 
> **o) 
> >     325 
> >     326 
> > 
> > ...../lib/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py in 
> > __init__(self, name, *clauses, **kw) 
> >     432         self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(kw.get('type_', None)) 
> >     433 
> > --> 434         FunctionElement.__init__(self, *clauses, **kw) 
> >     435 
> >     436     def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): 
> > 
> > ...../lib/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py in 
> > __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs) 
> >      60         self.clause_expr = ClauseList( 
> >      61             operator=operators.comma_op, 
> > ---> 62             group_contents=True, *args).\ 
> >      63             self_group() 
> >      64 
> > 
> > ...../lib/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py in 
> > __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs) 
> >    1783             self.clauses = [ 
> >    1784 
> > text_converter(clause).self_group(against=self.operator) 
> > -> 1785                 for clause in clauses] 
> >    1786         else: 
> >    1787             self.clauses = [ 
> > 
> > ...../lib/python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py in 
> > <listcomp>(.0) 
> >    1783             self.clauses = [ 
> >    1784 
> > text_converter(clause).self_group(against=self.operator) 
> > -> 1785                 for clause in clauses] 
> >    1786         else: 
> >    1787             self.clauses = [ 
> > 
> > TypeError: self_group() got an unexpected keyword argument 'against' 
> > 
> > -- 
> > SQLAlchemy - 
> > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
> > 
> > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ 
> > 
> > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and 
> > Verifiable Example. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for a full 
> > description. 
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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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