On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Mayank Soni <mayank.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to pass list of columns of table into query method using
> add_columns method. Below i am mentioning code snipped.
> def LLL():
>     Base = automap_base()
>     class AAA(Base):
>         __tablename__ = 'schools_master'
>     Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
>     session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>     session = session()
>     col_name =
> ['dise_code_01','district_name_02','block_name_03','cluster_name_04','village_name_05']
>     q = session.query(AAA).add_columns(col_list)
>     q = q.limit(100)
>     for row in q:
>       print(row)
> When i execute this code it is generating error massage :
> massage.sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: SQL expression, column, or
> mapped entity expected - got '['dise_code_01', 'district_name_02',
> 'block_name_03', 'cluster_name_04', 'village_name_05']
> Please help me out from this error.

add_columns expects each column to be supplied as a separate argument,
so you at least need:

  q = session.query(AAA).add_columns(*col_list)

...to unpack the list.

Hope that helps,


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