I'm sure that I'm missing a subtle point with batch migrations and naming conventions for SQLite databases, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. After renaming a table, I'm using a batch migration to update a foreign key in a child table. However, after recreating the child table 2 CHECK constraints (being created from a Boolean) aren't being named according to the specified naming convention.

To ensure that this post doesn't get too long, here are the parts I think are relevant. I can add more if needed.

naming_convention = {
    "ix": "ix_%(column_0_label)s",
    "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
    "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
    "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
    "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"

class RulesetMatch(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ruleset_matches'
    viewed = Column(Boolean(name='view_bool'), default=False)
    hide = Column(Boolean(name='hide'), default=False)

# sqlite3 data-dev.sqlite .schema

CREATE TABLE ruleset_matches (
    viewed BOOLEAN,
    hide BOOLEAN,
    CONSTRAINT pk_ruleset_matches PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ck_ruleset_matches_view_bool CHECK (viewed IN (0, 1)),
    CONSTRAINT ck_ruleset_matches_hide CHECK (hide IN (0, 1))

# migration script

def upgrade():
    with op.batch_alter_table(
                Column('viewed', Boolean(name='view_bool')),
                Column('hide', Boolean(name='hide'))]) as batch_op:
        # drop_constraint
        # create_foreign_key

# sqlite3 data-dev.sqlite .schema

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ruleset_matches" (
    viewed BOOLEAN,
    hide BOOLEAN,
    CONSTRAINT pk_ruleset_matches PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT view_bool CHECK (viewed IN (0, 1)),
    CONSTRAINT hide CHECK (hide IN (0, 1)),

As shown in the last schema, the CHECKS are named "view_bool" and "hide" unlike what it was previously "ck_ruleset_matches_view_bool" and "ck_ruleset_matches_hide." If I remove the "name" attribute in reflect_args or remove reflect_args all together, the CHECK constraints are unnamed. Removing the naming_convention doesn't seem to affect anything. What do I need to do to ensure that the constraints are named appropriately?

alembic 0.9.1
sqlalchemy 1.1.9

Thanks in advance.

SQLAlchemy - The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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