On Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 12:16:20 AM UTC-4, David Chanin wrote:
> How do objects get registered into the aggressive loader? Does it happen 
> automatically when they're initially loaded via query or cache? Ideally we 
> wanted to group items together when they're loaded and do bulk lazy loading 
> on that group rather than on all models in the session, but couldn't figure 
> out a good way to accomplish that. Ex if we run users = 
> session.query(User).limit(10).all() then we'd just want to do bulk lazy 
> loading within the users from that query rather than all users that happen 
> to be in the session, but it seems like we'd need to do some pretty 
> invasive changes to SQLAlchemy to keep track of which models were initially 
> loaded together.

Our implementation (which is a dirty hack) is loosely this:

    class Students(Base):
         aggresive_load = ['school', 'report_cards', 'classes']

    class Classes(Base):
         aggresive_load = ['teacher', 'students']

    agLoader = AggressiveLoader(dbSession)
    students = session.query(Students).limit(10).all()

The `register` function adds the students at loaded.
The `load` function inspects all the loaded objects and derives the 
potential primary keys/relationships to load.

To put this in context, the use-case for our concern is an multiple 
newspaper view.  One page had hundreds of Articles, from dozens of 
Publications, with tend of Authors; this could happen in multiple context 
* Non-lazyload -- 4000+ sql statements
* lazyloading -- 1200+ sql statements
* aggressive loading like this -- 100+ statements

We specifically avoided your intended approach of 'bulk on the group', 
because we wanted to defer all the unloaded primary-key candidates from 
multiple queries into a single select.  In the newspaper view above, there 
could be 30 content zones that have a relationship to the "Author" table -- 
with overlap; our goal was to aggregate all 30 SELECTs that might return 
900 rows into a single SELECT that returns only the distinct rows-- perhaps 


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