I'm using "marshmallow-sqlalchemy" (mmsqla), a small wrapper around the 
"marshmallow" marshalling/serializing library.  I'm using my defined mmsqla 
schemas to serialize a parent record with multi-level nested relationships 
and sending that to a webpage, which changes one of the relationship 
references, setting say the "favouriteFruit" of "Child1" from Apple to 
Orange, and posts back to my app.  The mmsqla deserialization process 
queries for the "Child1" instance, loads the Orange instance and assigns it 
to favouriteFruit (which was Apple), and puts Child1 in the parent's 
collection.  I can hack into mmsqla as it sets favouriteFruit to Orange and 
use sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.get_history() to indeed see that Orange is 
"added" and Apple is "deleted".

But by the time I get my parent instance back normally from mmsqla, the 
history is no longer available.  This would seem to because history doesn't 
survive a session flush().  I think that the default autoflush behaviour on 
a session is getting triggered by the queries for the remaining 
deserialization.  As far as I can tell, by the time mmsqla returns the 
parent instance to me, I have no way of knowing that some of the related 
stuff has been changed, and for certain types of changes I need to know 
this so I can run some additional code.  The history is already gone by the 
time the general schema post_load hooks get fired off, and there doesn't 
seem to be any supported way to provide a function to execute for a 
specific Nested scheme field.

I was thinking I might try setting session.autoflush to False just before 
calling the deserializer, and set it back when it returns, so that nothing 
is flushed.  I'll be checking with the mmsqla project as well, but I was 
curious if anyone had any experience with anything similar to this, and 
whether having autoflush off while a complex instance is being put back 
together by the deserializer sounds like a bad idea in principle (or would 
even work)?

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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