Ending output from batch size of 10:

501 - 0:24:35.558103
491 - 0:24:37.197976
481 - 0:24:38.909318
471 - 0:24:40.645801
461 - 0:24:41.954807
451 - 0:24:43.628955
441 - 0:24:45.246469
431 - 0:24:46.662228
421 - 0:24:48.192343
411 - 0:24:49.839395
401 - 0:24:51.513340
391 - 0:24:53.153668
381 - 0:24:54.836501
371 - 0:24:56.372331
361 - 0:24:58.034510
351 - 0:24:59.714655
341 - 0:25:01.401695
331 - 0:25:03.026082
321 - 0:25:04.657724
311 - 0:25:06.324783
301 - 0:25:07.946133
291 - 0:25:09.347907
281 - 0:25:11.000936
271 - 0:25:12.640046
261 - 0:25:14.281258
251 - 0:25:15.939942
241 - 0:25:17.651838
231 - 0:25:19.307522
221 - 0:25:20.931354
211 - 0:25:22.589152
201 - 0:25:24.223949
191 - 0:25:25.868513
181 - 0:25:27.540003
171 - 0:25:29.198259
161 - 0:25:30.492486
151 - 0:25:31.778539
141 - 0:25:33.292928
131 - 0:25:34.966223
121 - 0:25:36.623493
111 - 0:25:38.276205
101 - 0:25:39.996527
91 - 0:25:41.374338
81 - 0:25:43.011192
71 - 0:25:44.639656
61 - 0:25:46.293672
51 - 0:25:47.954129
41 - 0:25:49.663463
31 - 0:25:51.333620
21 - 0:25:52.842479
11 - 0:25:54.489094
1 - 0:25:56.109371
0 - 0:25:56.431443

Basically the only conclusion I can draw is that it is a case of the bind 

So I know this is not recommended but to retain DB neutrality can I use the 
output from query.statement.compile(dialect=s.bind.dialect, 
compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) and feed that output back in direct 
to execute?

On Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 6:41:17 AM UTC-4, Ken M wrote:
> I tried a batch size as small as ten and each step took about 2 seconds. I 
> set it up to show me the time between each batch for that run.  Lowering 
> the batch size actually seems to worsen performance. Which is not what I 
> expected. 
> Sent from my iPad 

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