El 11/09/17 a las 14:52, Mike Bayer escribió:

> Please provide all mappings including the missing "Prestacion" class
> as well as exact information on which classes have their own tables or
> not.    The code should be a mappings I can paste into a .py file and
> run to see the error you are getting.

Sorry, I missed a number of translastions. "Prestacion" is the original,
untranslated/untamed name of the "Charge" class.

I made complete, runnable example here:


The bottom half is only provided in order to show how classes are used,
as the issue is not there.

>> Being a bit awkward, It worked well and silently on SQLAlchemy 0.8.x and
>> 0.9.x. I went into production using 0.9.x.
>> But when using 1.x versions I got:
>>     SAWarning: relationship 'Charge.family_member' will copy column
>> affiliate_family_members.affiliate_id to column
>>     charges.affiliate_id, which conflicts with relationship(s):
>> 'Charge.affiliate' (copies affiliates.id to charges.affiliate_id).
>>     Consider applying viewonly=True to read-only relationships, or
>> provide a primaryjoin condition marking writable columns
>>     with the foreign() annotation.
>> Besides being a warning, I'm not sure if this actually can broke
>> something (Some problems I got trying to use 1.0.x days made me think
>> so). So I tried to fix it, but it's not as easy as it seemed.
>> The gist is that in certain Charge subclasses I need affiliate being a
>> regular relationship, in other subclasses I need affiliate being a
>> "viewonly" relationship. But as all subclasses share the same mapper,
>> relationships from different subclasses clash one with each other:
>>     SAWarning: relationship 'PharmacyPurchase.family_member will copy
>> column family_members.affiliate_id to column
>>     charges.affiliate_id which conflicts with relationship(s):
>> 'LoanCharge.affiliate' (copies affiliates.id to charges.affiliate_id).
>>     Consider applying viewonly=True to read-only relationships, or
>> provide a primaryjoin condition marking writable columns
>>     with the foreign() annotation.
>> I'm not sure there is really a solution, besides using separate fields
>> for both relationships, as that should be an endeavor I'd rather avoid.
>> Any suggestions?


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