On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:30 AM, Tolstov Sergey <whistler...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, i have some issue. I tried to replace namedtuple to dict and list
>> items (with adding hast function to them). But SQLAlchemy types returns list
>> ordereddict, when i change items, session didn't see changes. Do you found
>> solution?

looks like you are using
, I'm not sure if the sqlalchemy-utils maintainer checks this list you
might want to try a github issue with that project.

> def make_hash(o):
>   if isinstance(o,(set,tuple,list)):
>     for i in o:
>       i= tuple([make_hash(e) for e in o])
>       return hash(i)
>   elif isinstance(o,dict):
>     pass
>     i=make_hash([make_hash(j)for j in o.items()])
>     return hash(i)
>   elif isinstance(o,(str,int)):
>     return hash(o)
>   else:
>     try:
>       return hash(o)
>     except:
>       return make_hash(o.__dict__)
>     return hash(o)
> # sys.exit()
> class hashabledict(dict):
>   def __key(self):
>     return tuple((k,self[k]) for k in sorted(self))
>   def __hash__(self):
>     print 'try to make_hash'+str(self)+' result = '+ str(make_hash(self))
>     return make_hash(self)
>   def __eq__(self, other):
>     return make_hash(self) == make_hash(other)
> class hashablelist(list):
>   def __hash__(self):
>     return make_hash(self)
>   def __eq__(self, other):
>     return make_hash(self) == make_hash(other)
> class MyCompositeType(CompositeType):
>   pass
>   def __init__(self, name, columns):
>     if psycopg2 is None:
>         raise ImproperlyConfigured("'psycopg2' package is required in order
> to use CompositeType.")
>     sqlalchemy.types.SchemaType.__init__(self)
>     self.name = name
>     self.columns = columns
>     if name in registered_composites:
>         self.type_cls = registered_composites[name].type_cls
>     else:
>         temp=hashablelist()
>         for c in columns:
>           temp.append(c.name)
>           self.__dict__.update({c.name:None})
>         self.type_cls=hashabledict({self.name:temp})
>     registered_composites[name] = self
>     class Caster(psycopg2.extras.CompositeCaster):
>       def make(obj, values):
>         my_dict=hashabledict()
>         for index,data in enumerate(self.type_cls.items()[0][1]):
>           if isinstance(values[index], unicode):
>             i= values[index].encode("utf-8")
>             values[index]=i
>           my_dict.update({data:values[index]})
>         j=hashabledict()
>         j.update({self.type_cls.items()[0][0]:my_dict})
>         return j
>     self.caster = Caster
>     attach_composite_listeners()
>   def bind_processor(self, dialect):
>     print 'bind_processor'
>     def process(value):
>       if value is None:
>           return None
>       out=''
>       out=out+ ' '.join('{name}'.format(name=i)
>         for i in self.type_cls.items()[0][1])
>       mylist=[]
>       for j in value.items():
>         mylist.append(j[1])
>       i=collections.namedtuple(self.name,out)
>       return i(*mylist)
>     return process
>   def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
>     print 'result_processor'
>     # print self.__dict__
>     def process(value):
>       print 'my values is'+str(value)
>       return value
>       self.type_cls=value
>       i=self.__class__(name=value.items()[0][0],columns=value.items()[0][1])
>       # i.set_values(value.items()[0][1],name=value.items()[0][0])
>       return i
>     return process
>   def __hash__(self):
>     return make_hash(self)
>   def __eq__(self, other):
>     return make_hash(self) == make_hash(other)
>   def __ne__(self, other):
>     return make_hash(self) != make_hash(other)
> Composite_type = MyCompositeType(
>     'composite_type',
>     [
>       sqlalchemy.Column('chislo', sqlalchemy.Integer),
>       sqlalchemy.Column('slovo', sqlalchemy.String)
>     ]
>   )
> --
> SQLAlchemy -
> The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
> To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and
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