I was poking around Elixir's Ecto <https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.html>, and 
I was curious whether it was possible to apply their strict separation 
between data and operations to SQLAlchemy. One could imagine an API where 
session.query fetches mutable, data-only versions of models, and models are 
updated with something like session.update(model), which would be a proxy 
for update(Model).where(Model.id == model.id). In that scenario, the only 
stateful element of the session would be the status of the current 

Is this sort of thing possible? Can the declarative API be used without 
binding model classes to a session? Can session state management be turned 
off, or could the connection be used directly?


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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