Hi Michael et al,

tl;dr: I would like ClassManager.new_instance() to be made official as
discussed in the old discussion and suggest it should initialize the
polymorphic identity.


I am not sure if anybody remembers the discussion under
where I tried to recreate objects not by unpickling but from my own
serialization code.

With SQLAlchemy I could use MyClass.__new__ to create new instances
which I would then populate. That failed with SQLAlchemy 0.7 and I
thought about using ClassManager.new_instance()

Turns out that I never did. Instead my code currently needlessly
initializes each instance using the __init__ method only to drop that
information in favor of the deserialized data.

What's worse: __init__ now doesn't initialize new instances, instead the
code lazily initializes fields before writing to the database or on
first access via a property - sic!

Needless to say I would like to get rid of it. Trying to do so already
uncovered a bug in the software, where creation times are lost during
deserialization ending up as the unix epoch.

Example code

Basically I would like to initialize instances like this:

mapper = class_mapper(Circle)
circle = mapper.class_manager.new_instance()
circle.radius = 42

This fails to initialize the target_type field of Shape (which Circle
inherits from). Therefore, new_instance works fine for concrete mapped
classes, unless polymorphism is used.

Running the attached example gives this output:

> $ pipenv install
> [...]
> $ pipenv run python example.py 
> This works (as expected)
> This fails (unexpectedly)
> -> Error is IntegrityError('(sqlite3.IntegrityError) NOT NULL constraint 
> failed: shape.target_type',)
> This works (but is a bit ugly)

Would you please consider documenting this as a supported use case and
potentially extend new_instance to set the polymorphic_identity?

Thanks a bunch, especially for your hard work in creating SQLAlchemy!

Greetings, Torsten


Niederlassung Dresden
Torsten Landschoff
Pohlandstraße 19
01309 Dresden

Tel: +49-351-312002-10
Fax: +49-351-312002-29

Registergericht und Sitz: Ingolstadt, HRB 6384
Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Heiner Müllerschön, Dipl.-Math. Ulrich Franz

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper, sessionmaker

# Interesting stuff starts at "Evaluate ClassManager.create_instance"

Base = declarative_base()

class Company(Base):
    __tablename__ = "company"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    ticker = Column(String)
    name = Column(String)

class Shape(Base):
    __tablename__ = "shape"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    target_type = Column(String(50), nullable=False)

    __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_on": target_type}

class Circle(Shape):
    __tablename__ = "circle"

    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Shape.id), primary_key=True)
    radius = Column(Integer)

    __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "circle"}

engine = create_engine("sqlite:///", echo=None)

session = sessionmaker(engine)()

# Evaluate ClassManager.create_instance

print("\nThis works (as expected)")

mapper = class_mapper(Company)
company = mapper.class_manager.new_instance()
company.name = "Red Hat, Inc."
company.ticker = "RHAT"

# SQL: INSERT INTO company (ticker, name) VALUES (?, ?)
# VARS: ('RHAT', 'Red Hat, Inc.')

print("\nThis fails (unexpectedly)")

    mapper = class_mapper(Circle)
    circle = mapper.class_manager.new_instance()
    circle.radius = 42
    # SQL: INSERT INTO shape (target_type) VALUES (?)
    # VARS: (None,)
except Exception as e:
    print("-> Error is {0!r}".format(e))

print("\nThis works (but is a bit ugly)")

mapper = class_mapper(Circle)
circle = mapper.class_manager.new_instance()
setattr(circle, mapper.polymorphic_on.name, mapper.polymorphic_identity)
circle.radius = 42

# SQL: INSERT INTO shape (target_type) VALUES (?)
# VARS: ('circle',)
# SQL: INSERT INTO circle (id, radius) VALUES (?, ?)
# VARS: (1, 42)

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