
I've run into a problem that's present in SQLAlchemy 1.2, but not 1.1.15 
when run against an Oracle 11.2 database using cx_Oracle 6.1.

When creating the table `TIMESTAMP_TEST` with


and running the following code

import datetime
import sys

import sqlalchemy as sa

def test(user, password, host, port, database_name):
    # Setup
    metadata = sa.MetaData()
    connect_string = "oracle+cx_oracle://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format(user, 
password, host, port, database_name)
    engine = sa.create_engine(connect_string)
    timestamp_table = sa.Table("timestamp_test", metadata, sa.Column("ts", 
    # Insert
    insert = timestamp_table.insert().values(ts=datetime.datetime.now())
    print("insert:", insert)
    print("insert params:", insert.compile().params)
    with engine.connect() as connection:

# Get database connection details.
test(user, password, host, port, database_name)

fractional seconds *aren't* present in the inserted timestamp when the code 
runs with SQLAlchemy 1.2. The fractional seconds *are* present when the 
code runs against SQLAlchemy 1.1.15. In both cases the version of cx_Oracle 
is 6.1. The behavior is the same when using `sa.dialects.oracle.TIMESTAMP` 
instead of `sa.TIMESTAMP`.

Possibly this is to do with the changes described here:


The documentation says that the `cursor.setinputsizes` calls were removed.


states that `cursor.setinputsizes` must be used to be able to insert 
timestamps with sub-second precision into an Oracle database database with 
cx_Oracle. Now, this article is pretty old, so I don't know how relevant 
this still is.

Related tickets are possibly


"Related" in the sense that they describe or refer to what presumably must 
be done to get the sub-second precision upon insertion. Then again, these 
tickets are old, but I wanted to mention them in case they help.

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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