On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 8:40 AM, Edu Ferreira <edugn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, i implemented a generic foreign key/relationship, using this example:
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/_modules/examples/generic_associations/discriminator_on_association.html
> In the example addresses is passing in constructor:
> session.add_all([
>     Customer(
>         name='customer 1',
>         addresses=[
>             Address(
>                     street='123 anywhere street',
>                     city="New York",
>                     zip="10110"),
>             Address(
>                     street='40 main street',
>                     city="San Francisco",
>                     zip="95732")
>         ]
>     ),
>     Supplier(
>         company_name="Ace Hammers",
>         addresses=[
>             Address(
>                     street='2569 west elm',
>                     city="Detroit",
>                     zip="56785")
>         ]
>     ),
> ])
> But if i try to do something like this:
> _cust = Customer('name')
> session.add(_cust)
> session.commit()
> #And After try to use "addresses"
> _cust.addresses.append(Address(street='2569 west elm',city="Detroit",
> zip="56785"))
> #It doens't work, "addresses" is None.
> Is there any way to use this without pass "addresses" in the constructor?
> I'm using mysql and sqlachemy version is '1.1.15'.

the proxy is being used slightly oddly here, in that
Customer.address_association is a scalar but then
Customer.address_association.addresses is a list.  The proxy isn't
smart enough to figure out that it needs to initialize a new
CustomerAddressAssociation when you say something like
customer.addresses.append.  So you need to set one up by assigning
first:  customer.addresses = [], now there is a
customer.address_association set up and append() will work .    You
can do this assignment in the constructor of Customer if you want.

I never use this style, I always use table_per_related or table_per_association.

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