Hello, i'm supporting legacy database, and using such models (code contains 
examples of my problem, keep reading):

class Product:  # This table is never used straightforward in queries

    type = Column(db.Integer)
    name = Column(db.String)

    TYPE_DRUMS = 2

    __tablename__ = 'product'
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_on': type,

class Guitars(Product):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': Product.TYPE_GUITARS,  # Guitars entity

class Drums(Product):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': Product.TYPE_DRUMS,  # Drums entity

# This query returns nothing.

query1 = session.query(Musician).filter(
Musician.guitar == Guitars.id,
Musician.drum == Drums.id,

# Because SQL query built is wrong:

# select * ... *from product* where ... => no rows returned

# To fix his i use aliased() function:

guitars = aliased(Guitars, name='guitars')
drums = aliased(Drums, name='drums')

query2 = session.query(Musician).filter(
Musician.guitar == guitars.id,
Musician.drum == drums.id,

# select * ... *from product as guitars, product as drums* where ... => 
working fine

My problem is that when i'm using two Polymorphic Models (with one database 
table) i always must use aliased() function. This is demonstrated in 
example higher.

As you can see, query1 produces no results, because it is selecting from 
*products* table, and applies two filters to it. Instead it should use *two 
product table aliases. *It can be achieved with using *aliased()* function.

So, finally, my question is:

Are there any mechanism in sqlalchemy that can automatically apply aliases 
to such tables, if it sees their combination in query?  

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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