
I have a question about some ORM internal state tracking stuff.  If this 
isn't the right venue for this type of question my apologies.  

I've run into what looks like a race condition using the ORM during some 
our production workloads. I am trying to figure out if our code has a bug 
or if we are hitting a bug inside the ORM.  We are occasionally getting a 
FlushError with this message "Over 100 subsequent flushes have occurred 
within session.commit() - is an after_flush() hook creating new objects?"( 
we are not using any event hooks.)  

I've managed to track this down to what looks like the session.identity_map 
has an InstanceState in its modified list (i.e. the session is dirty) but 
the InstanceState is not in the sessions.identity_map._dict (i.e not in the 
session?).  The InstanceState is showing that it is attached to the session.

e.g. the WeakInstanceDict looks like this for the session...
_dict = {}  # is empty
_modified = ( TheModifiedInstanceState )

This is a difficult bug to reproduce, but seems more likely to occur if we 
hold the session open longer like so...

my_model = MyModel.query.filter('...').first()
my_model.attr = 'something'
session.commit() <-- flush error "occasionally"

I was hoping someone could confirm for me that this is "never a valid 
state" for the identity map to be in.  (Or if I'm super lucky someone will 
recognize this as a known bug or something).

Thanks for the help,


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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