On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 5:44 PM, Adam Olsen <arol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to replicate the following raw query:
>     SELECT r.id, r.name, e.id, e.title, e.start, e.end
>     FROM room r
>         SELECT evt.id, evt.title, evt.start, evt.end
>         FROM event evt, calendar cal
>         WHERE
>             r.calendar_id=cal.id AND evt.calendar_id=cal.id AND
> evt.end>%(start)s
>         ORDER BY abs(extract(epoch from (evt.start - %(start)s)))
>         LIMIT 1
>     ) e ON TRUE
>     WHERE r.company_id=%(company_id)s;
> with the SQLAlchemy ORM:
>     start = datetime.datetime.now()
>     company_id = 6
>     event_include = session.query(
>         Event.id,
>         Event.title,
>         Event.start,
>         Event.end) \
>     .filter(
>         Room.calendar_id == Calendar.id,
>         Event.calendar_id == Calendar.id,
>         Event.end > start,
>     ) \
>     .order_by(func.abs(func.extract('epoch', Event.start - start))) \
>     .limit(1) \
>     .subquery() \
>     .lateral()
>     query = session.query(Room.id, Room.name, event_include) \
>     .filter(Room.company_id == company_id)

you want to LEFT OUTER JOIN on that LATERAL so you'd want to use
query.outerjoin, somthing like:

from sqlalchemy import true

true()).filter(Room.company_id == company_id)

Core is a little different but you can see the usage of join() in

> Which produces the following SQL:
>     SELECT room.id AS room_id, room.name AS room_name, anon_1.id AS
> anon_1_id, anon_1.title AS anon_1_title, anon_1.start AS anon_1_start,
> anon_1."end" AS anon_1_end
>     FROM room, LATERAL (
>         SELECT event.id AS id, event.title AS title, event.start AS start,
> event."end" AS "end"
>         FROM event, calendar
>         WHERE room.calendar_id = calendar.id AND event.calendar_id =
> calendar.id AND event."end" > %(end_1)s ORDER BY abs(EXTRACT(epoch FROM
> event.start - %(start_1)s)
>         )
>     LIMIT %(param_1)s) AS anon_1
>     WHERE room.company_id = %(company_id_1)s
> This returns all the rooms and their next calendar event, but only if there
> is a next calendar event available.  It needs to be a `LEFT JOIN LATERAL()
> ON TRUE` so that it'll return all rooms, but I'm having a real hard time
> figuring out how to do that part.
> --
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