I'm having trouble with SQLAlchemy throwing the warning "Unmanaged access 
of declarative attribute" when I try and inherit `__table_args__` with 

I've been through the docs here:

... but the examples provided do not include a base class whose 
`__table_args__` can be simply inherited (ie: used as-is without needing to 
redefine `__table_args__` in the subclass).

I've been through the code and see why the warning is thrown (the class 
doesn't have a `_sa_class_manager` property bolted on yet), but I can't 
tell if this is something I can just ignore or not.  It currently seems 
like it can't be ignored since I'm having some weird problems around this 
code (still under investigation), but I'd like to know if there is some way 
to safely prevent this warning while achieving the desired inheritance. If 
it *is* actually ignorable, I've gone as far as considering temporarily 
hacking on a `_sa_class_manager` property to suppress the warning, but yuck.

Below is a small example of what I'm talking about.  The 
`_BaseTableSetup_MIXIN` class sets up some common table definitions. Foo 
and Bar use them outright via simple inheritance. Baz tries to extend the 
`__table_args__`, but runs into the warning when accessing `__table_args__` 
on the parent mixin.

Am I doing something wrong?
How can this be done properly?
Is ignoring the warning a bad idea?

# sample code

class _BaseTableSetup_MIXIN(object):
    a = Column(Integer)
    @declared_attr  # so subclasses
    def __table_args__(cls):
        # all derived classes/tables must have the unique constraint (but 
        # also be free to add more)
        return (UniqueConstraint("a"), )

class Foo(ORMBase, _BaseTableSetup_MIXIN):
    # This class defines no extra __table_args
    b = Column(Integer)

class Bar(ORMBase, _BaseTableSetup_MIXIN):
    # This class also defines no extra __table_args
    c = Column(Integer)

class Baz(ORMBase, _BaseTableSetup_MIXIN):
    # This class needs the full base setup, plus additional __table_args__
    d = Column(Integer)
    def __table_args__(cls):
        ret = list(_BaseTableSetup_MIXIN.__table_args__) # WARNING THROWN 
        return tuple(ret)


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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